Sentences with phrase «creation of the human mind»

On the contrary it is quite certain that his cosmology, though strongly influenced by «On Mathematical Concepts of the Material World,» was still a «free creation of the human mind
You can say that both «demonic activity» and «hellfire» are simply creations of the human mind.
«In the face of this fact, very simple logic and rationale dictates that the notions you subscribe to are the religious creations of the human mind, and not absolute truth.»
Hegel calls these stages «alienation», in so far as they are creations of the human mind yet thought of as independent and superior to the human mind.
Ford is one of the best American automotive company.Recently I purchased a 2011 Ford Fusion Hybrid car and for me its the best car I have ever drive.Their are rumors in the market about hybrid car coming with lots of disadvantage.But to me hybrid cars are one of the amazing creation of human mind.
Albert Einstein made this point in the Evolution of Physics when he observed that «physical concepts are the free creations of the human mind and are not, however it may seem, uniquely determined by the external world».
You can believe in God without religion, all religions are a creation of the human mind.
This is further evidence that each are a creation of the human mind.
all those laws are a creation of the human mind not a divine mind.
A covenant was made within the Godhead ----- The trinity is a creation of the human mind.
Thus religious structures at different levels are the creations of the human mind, creations by which it aspires to the inaccessible One.
Such a concept is not a creation of the human mind.
but several complex ideas — including the Trinity ---- The trinity is a creation of the human mind, not of God.
Finally observer acknowledges that all gods are creations of the human mind.
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