Sentences with phrase «creative desire»

Consequently, game developers are hesitant to use automated testing because of these tests» rapid obsolescence in the face of shifting creative desires of game designers.
Kearney understands the tension between creating music to appeal to the masses and being tuned in to your own creative desires.
For example, in game development, «cowboy coders» are necessary to cope with the continuous interplay between creative desires and technical constraints.
I want to create work that satisfies a personal creative desire but also speaks to a wider audience, so at times choosing the right words and phrases to feature in my work can be difficult.
Could it be that our creative desire to see and try new things comes from the very nature of God Himself?
Depends on your goals: Is it important to satisfy your creative desires or, are sales more important?
When making the decision about which approach to take, says Whitecastle, she found little value in objectively comparing the two, and focused instead on which methods would best facilitate her creative desire to «break the mold.»
So really, the game idea was born out of the team as much as our creative desires.
I was very lucky to have that creative desire fostered as a young person, which led me to study Fine Art at Otis College of Art and Design here in Los Angeles.
What one hears is a conflict between the formal demands of the audio - guide medium — which basically requires a detached pedagogical tone for imparting information — and the creative desires of artists seeking to push the form beyond its conventional territory.
Is there a point where the creative desires of the fifty artists displayed converge?
About Blog North Liza Lane is a growing body of work originating from inspiration, and the creative desire to share, and contribute to the greater good with humor, wonder and a joyful light.
A strong business sense and a creative desire to increase sales
Simple contentment isn't something you can always find by moving to it by downsizing or upsizing or moving to a different area or style of house or starting something new to fill that creative desire, for me right now it is what I'm finding by staying where we are and nurturing what we already have going on in life.
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