Sentences with phrase «creative intention»

In this powerful alkaline - yellow piece, visitors find evidence of a brief but powerful coincidence of creative intention among three great artists of the 20th century.
Everything you need to catch your own creative flow and allow it to take you, effortlessly and imaginatively, through the seven stages of the process, from creative intention (Stage 1) to completion (Stage 7).
The game's tool - set gives you further possibilities for crafting your own game and if you haven't got creative intentions, there's still plenty for you, not only in Media Molecule's story mode, but also the many community efforts.
In his own way, each artist imbues an existing object and / or the space of the gallery with low - key but engaging creative intention.
Spare abstract patterns on the rough sides of Masonite panels look as much like by - products of studio processes involved in other works as they do like products of discrete creative intention.
If there is a creative intention, a divine purpose, being worked out, we need ways of interpreting it that include those processes that were occurring when the first self - duplicating molecule appeared on earth as well as what happened on Good Friday and Easter morning.
However, he still felt tied to the creative intentions he had for «Dying of the Light,» and found a solution well beyond the industry's limitations.
In a letter to fans, the «Leftovers» creator explains his «creative intentions» for the upcoming series.
Download Here: 21 Day Making - Practice Chart, to turn your creative intention into a creative habit.
In 1972, when I self - printed my feminist notes «Women in the Year 2000,» I could only hope that most of the creative intentions I described for our future might become possible, and they have now come to fruition in our culture.
By having him show up wielding his giant pencil, he takes the form of an artist's signature and represents a revelatory and revisionist attitude or director's commentary; Hancock (the character) becomes a vehicle aiming to provide a new insight into the creative intentions of the work whilst it is in progress.
Sadly, until a big chunk of OUR species disappears, all the thought, good and creative intention won't matter.
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