Sentences with phrase «creative outlets like»

You can also get great Keywords from more creative outlets like trade groups, meetups, newsletters, news, and blogs.
Surprisingly, creative outlets like writing, volunteering, and teaching also really helped me tap into those feel - good chemicals that counteract cortisol.

Not exact matches

Mia still focuses on the cupcake flavors and marketing, although she's branching out into other creative outlets, like children's books.
I'm really not sure if this is possibly okay as just a creative outlet, or if it's fostering something deeper (or showing me that HE feels like I enjoy him being in trouble).
If you've found yourself in a mundane day job where flicking erasers into cups across the room seems more entertaining (like myself two years ago) and wanting a «creative outlet»...
There are outlets like The Conversation that may invite you to write editorial and news content, high - gloss multimedia content services and creative professionals for hire, and a range of magazines and other online venues that promise to translate your work for broader audiences.
Just like collecting stamps, sewing, styling clothes, baking cookies, if the act of using makeup is inspiring and is your creative outlet, don't stop.
I started like most fashion bloggers, as a follower of some really great blogs and it transitioned into a desire for a creative outlet.
In fact, my space back then was all over the place, kinda like with artists and their creative outlets.
Most of us, especially those that have any kind of creative outlet online, like to think that their content is fresh and special and easily distinguable from others.
If you remember from last post I mentioned that a best friend of mine told me she believed I liked having some newer outfits or pieces to my wardrobe because it gave me an outlet to be creative.
After I graduated college, I felt like I needed a creative outlet and I finally took the plunge and decided to create my blog.
- I like to write because its a creative outlet for me and it's a way for me to b half way social as I don't get out much with 4 kids and I am shy around large groups of people.
It was a creative outlet for me during a time where I felt like my work life was sort of a mess.
To write is such a wonderful, creative outlet for people of all ages and competitions just like this one are a brilliant way of encouraging kids across the UK to take the leap and release their inner authors!»
I started blogging (in 2008) because it seemed like a fun creative outlet — a practice that would build discipline and better engagement with my community.
She is an aspiring artist, and likes to engage in various creative outlets in her free time.
Whether you're starting a travel blog as a creative outlet, a way to make extra money, or to ultimately turn into a business like ours, we're excited to see you take the first steps!
Ideally, we'd like to see it become an outlet for our creative sides and a platform for communication between you and us.
Like in any creative outlet, what stands out at the end is the very best work.
My company gives me an outlet for my creative side in issues like packaging and branding.»
Practices like art therapy and music therapy can provide survivors with a creative outlet for their feelings, and many people learn to trust again through animal - assisted therapies.
This is my creative outlet for all the fun projects I like to do around our little house.
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