Sentences with phrase «creative people do»

We love to see what creative people do with creative tools.
It's called 18 Things Highly Creative People Do Differently, and it really resonated with me.
She effectively developed active and passive income streams that have enabled her to pursue game development without a full - time or part - time job and has made it a mission of Sonic Toad Consulting to help other indie developers and creative people do the same.
That's all creative people do.
That's what smart creative people do, and they often find real success in this approach.
Creative people do go to work in startup companies more often, but not because they are creative.
Being removed from my comfort zone to film in LA exposed me to a lot of creative people doing unique things in the food space.
What creative person doesn't question whether he or she has anything left to say?
It is inspiring to see all these creative people doing beautiful stuff with old furniture... but I just can't get into it no matter how much I want to.

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The discovery of the network leads to some intriguing theories about why people often fail to come up with creative solutions when they're focusing on a problem but succeed later, when they're doing other things, like taking a shower or watching a movie.
«You get enough quirky, creative people up here doing their own thing, and it's inspiring,» says Elisabeth Robert, CEO of Burlington - based Vermont Teddy Bear.
«I have watched so many talented, creative, and inventive people rage against their work, or even worse, stop doing their work because of the frustration that they encountered along the path of whatever it was they were trying to create.
Smart people can do really creative things with the right technology.»
«The best thing you can do to be more creative... is to talk to people who disagree with you.»
A 2011 study found morning people should do their critical thinking in the morning and creative work later, and night owls should do the opposite.
Dennis Cowhey, author of the book What Does It Mean — The Personal Stories Behind Vanity License Plates, says business people have used all sorts of creative combinations of numerals and letters to let the world know what they do.
Perhaps companies should do just the opposite — intentionally apply limits to leverage the creative potential of their people.
Instead, he advises that entrepreneurs determine what their message is — if you need market research to figure this out «you should be doing something else» — and then find a trusted creative person or small team to communicate it to consumers.
That means a cookie baking mania or mountain biking obsession isn't just a great way to get in the flow, reduce stress, recharge your creative batteries, and do better at work, it also will fundamentally make you a better, tougher person.
You don't have to have a creative - based business in order to appreciate the fact that Catmull just knows how to work better with people, and how to make those people thrive.
Once you get people to your website, it's not always clear what you want them to do,» says Nicholas Chilenko, principal of web design firm Nicholas Creative.
Why do people give up on creative projects?
I'm the type of person that seeks creative ways to do new things.
«When you travel alone, you force yourself into a survival mode where you have to do things and you have to meet people and you have to push yourself to figure out what's going on unless you want to be in your room all day,» he says «It's the most exhilarating, inspiring, creative thing that there is.»
While the «data scientist» title is somewhat all - encompassing now, Gnau expects that it will that three specialty fields will emerge soon: technologists, who write the algorithms and code to transverse the large amounts of data; statisticians and quantification experts; and artist - explorers, creative people who can navigate content and find something others don't see.
There's no incentive for creative people to do their best work, to give their all.
When you ask creative people how they did something, they feel a little guilty because they didn't really do it, they just saw something.
Richard Florida, the urban studies theorist and author of «The Rise of the Creative Class» recently cited three particular Boulder ingredients that could help explain its start - up density: «talented people and a high quality of life that keeps them around, technological expertise, and an open - mindedness about new ways of doing things, which often comes from a strong counterculture.»
If the person doesn't truly get your brand, no matter how creative they are, they won't pick up on the subtleties that truly capture what you want to express.
«There are people who can't do anything else, whose savings haven't been such that they can wait,» said certified financial planner David Mendels, director of planning at Creative Financial Concepts.
For entrepreneurs writing business blogs or articles, he says, «What's important is that you pick an aspect that you know people are going to be enticed to read, and you do the research necessary and put your own creative spin on it.»
Sometimes when a partnership is more financial, like with the pension - fund operated owners... sometimes there are people who don't quite get what you want to do or the creative choices you want to make.
I need my brain to do creative problem solving and not worry about offending this person or disappointing that organization.
Referring to research done before me, and my own two - year interview - based first - hand study, I found that people are, in fact, more creative in startup companies.
From a people management perspective, we love exploring creative, inspiring and useful ways to help all of our stakeholders, and it's critical to always do so with integrity.
Most people think they don't have time to be creative.
What other ingredients do you think people are missing to be their most creative?
I didn't want to believe that mature companies attract less creative people, or that creative people were less drawn to work in large companies.
Don't rely on a few really creative people and ignore the processes and pathways that must exist in order to convert ideas into products.
FRIENDS is a Brooklyn - based coworking community and the work home to 35 creatives — designers, filmmakers, writers, illustrators, developers, photographers, and people doing generally awesome (creative) work.
What do you think of this strategy as a way to get money back into the hands of really creative people who have small financial needs than the big banks want to fund?
[42:14] Tony explains the questions to ask an advisor, to ensure they're truly on your side [42:28] 60 % of people surveyed today say they believe their financial advisor is putting the company interests above their own — it's actually worse than they believe [42:45] Why Tony has chosen to support Peter and his firm, Creative Planning [43:33] How you can get a second opinion from Peter's firm, Creative Planning, through their website ( it doesn't matter how much or little you have, they'll give you feedback [44:00] Tony's biggest challenge when writing his first book, and how it brought him to Peter Mallouk [44:30] Peter explains the process Creative Planning went through to open their services to people at the $ 100,000 level, and how offering this extensive range of services to people at this level is unprecedented
The director and the other creative leaders of a production do not come up with all the ideas on their own; rather, every single member of the 200 - to 250 - person production group makes suggestions.
One thing many people don't know about BitTorrent is we have an incredible creative team.
It doesn't matter if the CEO has the most creative, innovative business plan of the century — if he doesn't also have people working alongside him who are dedicated, determined and hardworking, then his dream can't become a reality.
«Brooklyn's become the place where you go capture the creative people who can do that.»
Maybe we'll give out prizes or something if a lot of people do it and we see something creative and fun.
Job growth has been concentrated in positions that tend to fall into two categories: manual work that must be done in person, like styling hair or serving food, which usually pays relatively little; and more creative, design - oriented work like engineering or surgery, which often pays quite well.
We don't always have the money to reward our top team members, so I think someone who can think of fun and creative ways to engage their people will go a long way.
How do we honor the creative arts and the ways they bring people together?
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