Sentences with phrase «creative principle»

And precisely by restraining its «omnipotence» (a notion suggested by Simone Weil, Geddes MacGregor, Jürgen Moltmann, Nicholai Berdyaev and many others) the creative principle would be simultaneously giving itself away to that created world.
Einstein once said that «the creative principle resides in mathematics.
While no creative principles have been announced for the «Metal Gear Solid» movie, according to Kotaku, Kojima talked about how much he liked American actors like Matt Damon, Hugh Jackman and Ben Affleck, as well as his affinity for director Christopher Nolan.
series, which teaches the application of creative principles and practices to everyday life.
The curators point out Breuer's creative principles and propensities, offering insights that help the visitor understand his work, both individually and collectively.
For Motherwell, automatism (in the artist's words, «artful scribbling») became what he called his lifelong «creative principle» and profoundly affected his future work.
In the early 1940s Motherwell began to search for a new «creative principle» that would mobilise the American artists in New York to move beyond copying Picasso; he developed the theory of automatism based on free association.
Jens Hoffman, a practitioner of this type of curatorial practice describes the condition by saying, «Exhibitions became the creative principle of so - called exhibition makers who were described as exhibition directors and who became catalysts between the creative individual and society.»
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