Sentences with phrase «creative purposes»

It seems like there were a lot of tangible items being used for creative purposes.
For all submissions, we ask that you give us 8 weeks notice for creative purposes and to ensure we are reviewing submissions with plenty of time prior to deadline.
Along with the usual explications of style and theme, Cinéastes de notre temps delivered rousing statements of creative purpose and uncanny expressions of personality from moviemakers as different as John Cassavetes and Jean - Pierre Melville.
Notice the continuity of the last paragraph if the inserted material (34b - 41a) is omitted: «Thus the conceptual registration is conceptual valuation; and conceptual valuation introduces creative purpose.
Here Whitehead seeks to articulate the ultimate creative purpose towards novelty whereby there can be some effective contrast with that which is, at least in some instances.
Accordingly, while it may be true that humanity is, to date, the supreme work of God on this earth,» humanity can not be viewed within this school of process thought as the fulfillment of God's primary creative purpose.
For them, the Incarnation was not an afterthought but is The Mystery at the heart of God's creative purpose hidden in the Father's heart from all eternity and revealed in Christ in the fullness of time.
This rewards you for going crazy and building wherever you want, which incentivizes you to construct for more than just creative purposes.
With Mr. Graves» life as its guide, the Morris Graves Foundation offers private, non-profit retreat opportunities and hosts group workshops for contemplative, creative purposes at Mr. Graves» final home at «the Lake.»
Radar's theme, to which participating artists were invited to respond, was based on artists increasing use of the performance lecture medium: a mode of address in which the tools, techniques and restrictions of official presentation are used for creative purposes.
Accordingly, mentality is closely correlated with self - determination: «Thus the conceptual registration is conceptual valuation; and the conceptual valuation introduces creative purpose.
«The ultimate creative purpose» is «that each unification shall achieve some maximum depth of intensity of feeling, subject to the conditions of its concrescence» (Process and Reality, An Essay in Cosmology 381).
But for Whiteheadian process theists, God's primary creative purpose has always been (and will always be) to bring about the «maximum attainment of intensity compatible with harmony that is possible under the circumstances of the actual situation» (PP 295).
Even when used for good and creative purposes, though, AI gives off some spooky signs.
She neglects an important truth about love, that it must discover its own limitations, and undergo a transmutation for the sake of the creative purpose of God and his Kingdom.
In terms of God's relationship to us, this could even be understood as the ultimate aim in God's creative purpose.
Through this process Israel could become a special locus of God's creative purposes for mankind, purposes it might realize or bequeath to another to realize.
Man is either continually associating himself with its creative purposes or continually dissociating himself from them.
Men who have no confidence in their own individuality, sexuality, or creative purpose — and therefore are intimated when they find women (and men) who are.
Men and women stand at the pinnacle of God's creative purpose, as the most complex fruit of that unity law of control and direction active in the material universe since the dawn of time.
For Paul, the world as we experience it is not the final expression of God's creative purpose.
Supreme satisfaction for the Christian is achieved when his or her life is lived in loving unity with all life, and with God's creative purpose, which wills and works for ever higher realizations of enjoyment and ecstasy.
I can't actually believe that we've got it this far, its still very early days, but last week we launched our little shop «Mini Robin Designs» and I am loving having a creative purpose to all the thoughts running through my head, and I hope that others like what we are creating.
There are resources all around you, materials hidden in plain sight, tools just waiting to be used for a creative purpose.
It provided me with space and time to rediscover myself as an artist, to be emotionally attuned to my natural temperaments, re-define my convictions, and rebuild confidence moving forward pursuing my creative purpose.
House and rave provided some of the first examples of defunct technologies being co-opted and reused by a younger generation for creative purposes.
In the pre-digital era, data was used for analytic rather than creative purposes and was not a frequent subject for aesthetic exploration.
The ads showcase children using the iPad Pro as their «first computer» and how they can use it for creative purposes and their school work.
If you've wanted a tablet you can doodle on, or start using for creative purposes, you don't need to shell out $ 599 on the 10.5 inch iPad anymore.
We don't all have to be DIY (do it all, ourselves) divas merely going through the motions of juggling life like everyone else does it, we can creatively THRIVE with our own unique style and way of living our dreams -LCB- with a little humor, a little grace and compassion and a creative purpose and style all our own. -RCB-
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