Sentences with phrase «creative role of»

It will also provide a setting for looking at the multi-faceted and creative role of the couples therapist and the growth edges of our competence.
The MFA Photography program prepares students to become practicing artists and scholars who redefine the creative role of photography within contemporary culture.
Much of their best work, including that of Man Ray and even at times Marcel Duchamp with their haunting surfaces and assemblage, actually filled the creative role of painting, only in other media.
Not once in his genealogy of modern decay does he consider that the core failure of Christian moral witness might be a significant factor in muting the creative role of religious faith in public life.
Some support for this is found in Whitehead's emphasis on the creative role of all actual entities (PR 130) and in the doctrine that an enduring object «tends to prolong itself» (PR 88) But the decisiveness of the role of God remains unquestioned.)
However that may be, Whitehead does restrict the creative role of God in such a way that his sole responsibility for what happens is effectively and properly denied.
The second thesis of my book was that homosexuals, rather than being somehow a menace to the values of society and the family, as Christians have tended to assume, have, as a part of God's creative plan, special gifts and qualities and a very positive contribution to make to the development of society (cf. also my article «Homosexuality, Lesbianism, and the Future: The Creative Role of the Gay Community in Building a More Humane Society,» in A Challenge to Love: Gay and Lesbian Catholics in the Church, edited by Robert Nugent [Crossroad, 1984]-RRB-.

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The long article is a deep dive into the anxieties of the creative mother and the steps women artists and writers take to manage their dual role as mothers and creators.
Lyft's creative director, Jesse McMillin, who was formerly at Virgin, played a big role in the launch of the new logo, which is aimed at helping give the company's brand a more sophisticated look.
This role — part strategist, creative director, technologist and teacher — is now recognized at the highest levels of management as it's squarely at the intersection between traditional marketing and the growing number of software tools used to make sense of companies» vast amounts of data.
«There is still a big gap between world - leading companies and Canadian businesses with respect to the role of creative people, or... representing creativity within an organization.
«The automation of factories has already decimated jobs in traditional manufacturing, and the rise of artificial intelligence is likely to extend this job destruction deep into the middle classes, with only the most caring, creative or supervisory roles remaining,» he wrote in The Guardian.
So I wasn't really the creative vision for one show — where I had hands on everything, which is more my personality to be honest — but I would have to shift into more of a managerial role.
kbs + Toronto appointed Matt Hassell as its new chief creative officer, a role in which he'll work on the Target Canada and Bank of Montreal accounts.
Other research out of Cornell has shown that being perceived as creative actually diminishes a person's chances of being promoted to a leadership role.
Gelbard says photography can be a valuable hobby to list if you're looking for an account or creative director position at a digital marketing agency because it communicates creativity, positioning, and patience, «all of which can be helpful in your target roles
My esteemed marketing colleagues initially balked at the idea of creating products that generate royalties, so I can understand how creating something from nothing might be daunting for those who aren't even in creative roles.
At a recent event held at Uber, design partner John Maeda presented his «Design in Tech» report and convened designers to discuss the role of the creative class in Silicon Valley.
If you know the role you are hiring for requires flexibility under pressure, creative thinking and obsessive attention to detail, have the candidate offer you specific, measurable examples of where they have demonstrated these three qualities.
The first is a fiscal policy that acknowledges the role of the government social safety net in buffering the effects of creative destruction, seeks to provide those services in an efficient, market - oriented fashion, and pays for those services with a simple and transparent tax system.
Some have elevated the role of the chief design or chief creative officer to reporting directly to the CEO.
In his new role, that type of creative quirk could come in handy.
Although this year's Laureates aren't exactly disciples of the famous polymath Leonardo da Vinci, creative thinking surely played an important role in their recent achievements.
Having ascertained the place of belief in the world and its role as the operative and creative principle in human striving and drive toward the future, we shall next consider its evolutionary stages and origin in order that we may realize its cosmic dimension.
Granted, the functions of Amida are more purely soteriological, whereas Whitehead's God also has a creative role in the whole course of events.
The same applies to the husband's awareness of the unique self - esteem problems of women faced with changing sex roles, the continuing dual - standard in many areas, the increasing period of life after the children are raised and the problem of finding significance therein, and the preparation for creative widowhood which faces the vast majority of women in our culture.
In Chapter 2 I said: «Christian fundamentalism, by capturing the mainline churches as it has been doing, is preventing Christianity from playing a positive and creative role in the shaping of the modern global society.»
For example, one might suggest that if the creative inputs follow that broad theological / ontological structure of the Christian faith, integrate the key role models of their faith in the new structure and their inputs can be shown to be informed directly or indirectly by their own «conservative» tradition and the text, the Bible, they could be understood to be in line with Christianity.
It is self - creative; and in its process of creation transforms its diversity of roles into one coherent role» (PR 38).
As a divorce lawyer, she plays the social role of mopping up the messes rather than working for creative social change so that relationships might be more humane and lasting.
The split between rational and mythic discourse which has characterized our recent cultural history is very dangerous for it impoverishes both modes of thought.13 It is one of the possible benefits of the current new appreciation of the meaning and function of myth that we may be able to rescue it from the realm of unconscious fantasy where it always continues to operate, often in dark and devious ways, and restore it once again to its creative role in human consciousness.
Instead of investing theological significance in a theory about how the mind intuits objects of sense data, or about the reality of the world external to consciousness, or about the extent to which the mind is creative in producing experience, Green focuses on the role of imagination, a term which refers in ordinary conversation to fantasy and illusion, but which also refers to discovery, illumination and reality.
Yet it is they, in Whitehead's view, who have neglected the primary role in the creative process of the world by conflating judgments with propositions, equating propositions with linguistic entities, and restricting propositions to the mere data for a judging subject.
God is ceaselessly creative: the world is continually «being made» and we humans are part of that «being made», with our own genuine freedom, our own dignity, and our own responsibility to play our proper role in the enterprise.
It is now, in fact, that one can begin to address more specifically the role propositions play in the creative advance of the world.
Even if correct, however, God would not therefore be «the reason that» there is an occasion, nor would God's creative role be more «decisive» than that of eternal objects, the past, or the becoming occasion itself.
The relation of God's purposings to the historical situation suggests his role as source of the power that makes for creative transcendence of the given.
Renewed discussions regarding the explanatory function of the principle of creativity have implications for understanding God's creative role.
There are parallels here with the role of evolution, which also appears to take creative power out of God's hands and yet is a part of God's creation.
He had praise for Luther's role in providing inspiration for creative and meaningful activity in socialist Germany — an impetus for Christians and non-Christians alike in the upbuilding of a socialist state.
Hausman believes that Peirce's insight is restricted in the role of eros and agape in creative evolution, but he also suggests the fruitfulness of his insight.
Chief Rabbi Jonathan Sacks has made a compelling case for the creative and culturally dynamic role that religious minorities can play, even in societies where the majority of people deeply oppose their religious inclinations, as was the case for much of the history of the Jewish people in....
And it can be said that Jesus was (and continues to be) «the Christ» in his role of opening others to creative transformation.
Vatican II emphasized the active and creative role played by the faithful during the process of tradition and reception.
Corporations, the state and civil society — including churches — have a role to play in this process of creative, pragmatic reflection on the appropriate role of the market.
It is clear, however, that unlike the Osiris and Adonis myths where the male element is dominant, in ancient Mesopotamia it was the goddess Inanna who took the major role, embodying in herself all the creative power of nature.
creation, as the CCC describes it, the angels were to have much more than a supervisory role, and that when some of them fell he did not remove their power to influence the evolutionary or transformative creative process, anymore than when we act badly he removes our power to affect the historical process.
But I would remind you that Durrell came to write the fantastically structured Alexandria Quartet, in which, even though the selves in it do not escape from the relativity of their own selfhood, nonetheless memory, and thus the past, plays a central and creative role.
This solves the problem of how God could know the next satisfaction, but a problem remains with regard to God's creative role in the universe.
In fact when it comes to veneration of the Blessed Virgin Mary, he emphasises its role in his own creative development: ``... Our Lady, upon which all my own small perception of beauty, both in majesty and simplicity is founded.»
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