Sentences with phrase «creativeness as»

In spite of, this is not the only point from which it can be printed as at times this might require creativeness as standard authors would do.
My mother is very creative herself and I definitely have grown off of her creativeness as well.

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As Whitehead comments in Process and Reality, «the actual world, insofar as it is a community of entities which are settled, actual, and already become, conditions and limits the potentiality for creativeness beyond itself (PR 65/101; italics mineAs Whitehead comments in Process and Reality, «the actual world, insofar as it is a community of entities which are settled, actual, and already become, conditions and limits the potentiality for creativeness beyond itself (PR 65/101; italics mineas it is a community of entities which are settled, actual, and already become, conditions and limits the potentiality for creativeness beyond itself (PR 65/101; italics mine).
And No» a thousand times No» we can not, must not celebrate delightfully diverse stories that read the mouth - stopping horror of the Holocaust as the playfulness of power or a symphony of creativeness through death.
And could it be that creativeness is intrinsic to godliness (and worship) and do we regard God as the great artist and genius of all things beautiful and exhilarating.
Of these the first is: «That the actual world, insofar as it is a community of entities which are settled, actual, and already become, conditions and limits the potentiality for creativeness beyond itself» (PR 101).
We as a completed evolution of life's creativeness, are now held to and bonded into a sphere of gestation to either subdue our wants and pleasings in order to see survival of all life or its» total destructon by our deeds done and gone awry.
In contrast to Freud's view, he understood the unconscious as «a great repository of creativeness «which can be used for good or for ill.
Science and technology are not treated as a flowering of human creativeness... I want to describe the new science of genetics largely to show just how interesting it is... Science is not a penance.
This creativeness behind the lens made Game Night all the more memorable as a result.
Students become workforce - ready as they see an increase in self - esteem, creativeness, passion, and much more.
Both the material and handling of Infant suggest Hepworth's interest in what she would describe as «the warmth, creativeness, humaneness of the negro carvings» (letter to Ben Nicholson, post marked 22 July 1932, TGA 8717.1.1.82).
Many kinds of drawing, painting, sculpture and architecture, formerly ignored or judged inartistic, were seen as existing on the same plane of human creativeness and expression as «civilized» Western art.
I would like to join Premier Systems as an IT Apprentice and eager to bring my enthusiasm and creativeness when working with computer networks of your clients.
I love bringing serving dishes or cake plates as hostess gifts, sometimes it's nice to get different serving dishes to jump start your creativeness — and sometimes they can be expensive and you mite not feel like it's worth the splurge — so I like to bring them — something they love but wouldn't normally splurge on themselves.
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