Sentences with phrase «creator god»

Why not any of the hundreds of other creator gods, or the god of some aliens living in a distant galaxy that we've never heard of before?
Once you all for the supernatural, you throw open the doors for a near infinite number of explanations, not just a single creator god.
How can you tell which of the dozens of proposed creator gods supposedly made the universe when each of them has exactly the same amount of evidence going for them, namely... zero?
If your broader point is that, unless evolutionists can answer every singly question thrown to them, you will resort to magic and believe in creator god, well, have fun, because there will always be unanswered questions.
It should be said that, in general, Brahma here means not the «neuter world soul,» but the personal creator god who with Vishnu and Shiva forms the Hindu Trimurti, sometimes translated Trinity.
So, if you believe that God exists then we can ask you what proof you have that no other creator god does.
Does the One Creator God love a people that believe with all their mind, strength, and spirit that it is RIGHT, a RIGHT, to embrace the freedom to worship «any god»?
President Obama, Mitt Romney, the American people, the people of all demkcratic nations..., each and every one have different petsonal faiths... BUT... each and every one worships the same way of life (the same «religion»)... the belief in ffeedom of self - rights... a belief that denies and rejects the Preeminence of the One and Only Creator God whose Son is Jesus Christ, the Only True Way of life.
They arrived at their nominalism precisely because an infinite creator God existed, whose mind could not be fathomed.
«In the image of God he created man male and female he created them» is out of Genesis 1 where Moses is presenting Creator God.
Creator God Evolving World differs from your average «science vs religion» book in much the same way as a buffalo differs from a bison (as the joke goes, you can't wash your hands in a buffalo).
I do not have to accept your «word of god» any more than you have to accept quetxlcoatl of nogomain, also creator gods.
It is not a bit of a stretch but an act of total blind faith to believe in Evolution Dan, in fact it take more faith to believe in that than in an all knowing, all powerful creator God who said I created all things.
It is true that Islam believes in a single and eternal creator God who has revealed his will and his law to men through prophets, but the understanding of God and of his revelation is markedly different from Christianity.
The only god that could possibly exist is some sort of deistic creator god, and I'm quite sure such a god doesn't listen to prayers and couldn't care less what a bunch of bugs like us are praying for.
There is no completely sovereign Creator God who is removed from the processes of life — no oppressive authority of the wholly Other.
So there are sound reasons to believe that Christians, Jews, and Muslims all refer to the same true, creator God when they speak of him.
Sikhism believes in One Universal Creator God, The Name Is Truth, Creative Being Personified, No Fear, No Hatred, Image Of The Timeless One, Beyond Birth, Self Existent, By Guru's Grace.
Please understand HE ONLY WANTS YOUR SOUL HE THINKS HE CAN BEAT OUR CREATOR God the creator of earth and your life.
I count over 110 creator gods men have made... shoul d you not be questioning the whole JW thing, since IT is what is flawed... like the bible.
If in such moments we would listen to the wind in the trees, the waves curling on the beach, feet crunching in sand, and the song of the mockingbird as the evening sun sets, we would surely hear creator God singing hymns over us, his creation.
You don't seem to understand my point about the non-intervening creator god.
That is an affront to the Great Creator God
Dawkins finally justifies his atheistic position by suggesting that an intelligent Creator God would have to be morecomplex — and therefore more improbable — than the universe He is invoked to explain.
Thus matter came under the direct responsibility and reign of the omnipotent, benevolent and wise Creator God.
Francis concludes further «The best way to restore men and women to their rightful place» is to reaffirm an understanding of a supreme Creator God — «Otherwise, human beings will always try to impose their own laws and interests on reality.»
Many Gnostic Christians believed that, because of his divine origins, Jesus did not suffer on the cross, that the heavens were populated by all sorts of entities including a lower Creator God and a superior God of Light — and that knowledge of one's ultimate origins from the latter was the key to salvation.
We had come to recognize the spiritual authority that Creator God gave to all the first peoples of the land to serve as stewards and protectors of their appointed lands.
all that you see (and don't see with your naked eye) are products of creation... it did not appear out of the blue by itself... there was someone behind it... to say there isno Creator God..
Theological free will is impossible with an omniscient creator god.
The Japanese creator god, Izanami, was buried here after dying in childbirth.
The name «Bromo» comes from Javanese pronunciation of Brahma, the Hindu creator god.
If God be gracious, the Guru shall be found, the soul shall be fixed, and become absorbed in its Creator
As monotheists we both refer to the One and only Creator God, but what we understand about the character and actions of God are significantly different.
It has come from the Hebrew - Christian revelation of the sovereign Creator God who is at work in nature and history for his own glory and for man's good.
Creator God Evolving World by Cynthia Crysdale and Neil Ormerod, Fortress Press, 168pp, # 11.99, available via Amazon
In The Descent Into Hell, Altizer claims that those who believe in the transcendent Creator God «will be totally unprepared for a Kingdom dawning at the center of life and the world.
How is thinking you're special enough to be of interest to an all powerful creator God not arrogant?
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