Sentences with phrase «credible strategy»

Where does this leave the three political parties when it comes to offering credible strategies to support jobs and growth.
Few people in Washington are confident that a compromise will be reached that will include any kind of credible strategy to deal with the growing U.S. debt problem in the next decade.
The series, called Ask a Researcher, offers evidence - based guidance to classroom dilemmas in the areas of literacy, mathematics, and English language learning, giving teachers credible strategies to enhance student learning.
First, a credible strategy must be realistic.
In contrast, saving every month to smooth out their buying prices and reinvesting dividend income is a credible strategy that is likely to deliver good returns over the long term.
The Commission has failed to tackle the issue of FUF advertising and now has no credible strategy for curbing the growth in this new market — except dialogue with the industry about voluntary self - regulatory options.
The Commission has provided no credible strategy for protecting child health and curbing the growth in this new category of products — except dialogue with the industry about voluntary self - regulatory options.
c) The «speakers» sound ridiculous because their message is empty: there is no credible strategy on offer as to how to fund the massively (and unnecessarily) increased numbers of students entering a dumbed - down higher education system.
It needs a credible strategy that will enable the party to win next time, escaping the sterility of opposition.
No credible strategy?
The Conservative failure in Eastleigh raises searching questions over whether Cameron has a credible strategy not just to topple the 15 Lib Dem - held seats needed to secure an overall majority, but also to prevent Ukip as the new party of protest gnawing into his wider vote in the next general election.
Any serious reform effort must articulate a credible strategy for replicating successful schools.
While all such forecasts are implicitly uncertain, this one helps clarify where to focus efforts to cut greenhouse gas emissions; reinforces the importance of resolving questions about how to safely expand, while not stopping, extraction of vast domestic reserves of natural gas; and powerfully challenges proponents of accelerated deployment of today's menu of renewable energy technologies or nuclear power plants to lay out a credible strategy for supplanting coal.
Any private sector partner of the GCF must have a credible strategy in place to make its entire portfolio and operations consistent with keeping global temperature rise to no more than 2 °C, let alone well below 1.5 °C,» said Annaka Peterson of Oxfam.
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