Sentences with phrase «credit losses»

Another example: letting banks set reserves for credit losses off of internal models.
In this instance, once credit losses from low - quality issuers are taken into account, more risk does not translate into better long - term return.
Lower interest rates reduced revenue, weak economic conditions produced higher credit losses, and market turmoil caused significant write - downs of securities.
Net credit losses rose 11 percent in the fourth quarter from the same period a year earlier, to $ 1.9 billion.
We got out with a small gain when their earnings proved inadequate as interest rates rose, and credit losses rose.
To do well the fund needs to keep credit loss under 3 % / yr.
Provisions for credit losses amounted to $ 6.3 million for the quarter, compared with $ 6.4 million a year ago.
It also identifies key reasons why community college students lose credit even under the most comprehensive policies and presents recommendations for preventing credit loss.
Yet, credit loss when students transfer from community college to a four - year institution is a major barrier to degree attainment.
You estimate how much you can take in credit losses without having to dip into surplus assets over a 1, 3, 5, 10, etc - year periods.
This is just something to watch, because it may imply a stretched - out scenario for corporate credit losses.
You compare those statistics to worst few credit losses over 1, 3, 5, 10, etc - year horizons to get an idea of the likelihood of such large losses.
There are more credit losses to be taken, particularly as housing prices fall another 10 %.
Our total credit losses were truly negligible, barely over one - tenth of a basis point in terms of our total portfolio.
Credit losses from the recession plus new regulations have eaten into their profit margins, so they've been raising fees, raising interest rates, and cutting back rewards programs.
This bill still has a place for the government to back the secondary mortgage market, but would shift the first 10 % of credit loss to the private sector.
The annual provision for credit losses was at the low end of management's target range reflecting ongoing stable credit quality.
That's the likely culprit of the $ 130 million wipeout in Citi's equities - trading revenue attributed to a single client, as well as most of $ 267 million in credit losses in its Institutional Clients Group.
In their statement, UBS says, «We believe weakness in these two groups will drive higher credit losses at some stage over the next few years — particularly in credit card, installment, and student loans — with macroeconomic inflection from job growth to job loss as a likely catalyst.
Unlike their forwards counter-parts, futures contracts are publicly traded, non-customizable (standardized in their specified contract size and settlement procedures) and guaranteed against credit losses by an intermediary known as a clearing house.
Observers pointed to difficulties surrounding the Basel III capital standards, fair lending requirements and the Financial Accounting Standards Board's proposed current expected credit loss model, just to name a few.
Gross Operating Income — This is simply the total of all income generated from the property, after considering a reasonable vacancy and credit loss factor, as well as all other additional income generated by the property.
With the GSEs in conservatorship and the government effectively guaranteeing the loans assumed on the GSEs» balance sheets, taxpayers face direct exposure to mortgage credit losses experienced by the GSEs.
This will help preserve credit loss protection on the loans without unwinding the protection paid for through CRT transactions.
Actual credit losses on individual retail credits should be recorded when the institution becomes aware of the loss, but in no case should the charge - off exceed the time frames stated in this policy.
Regardless of what it is called, it is imperative the income that is ultimately capitalized is completely net of all expenses in addition to a vacancy and credit loss allowance.
, such as savings and loan institutions, credit unions and small regional banks, have not been bruised as much by the current credit losses as have been large banks that securitize their loans.
The total year - to - date pre-tax provision for credit losses increased to $ 48.6 million from $ 14.4 million last year, contributing to 19 % lower common shareholders» net income from Continuing Operations.
If revenues grew with the overall economy, costs remained flat, and BofA avoided the steep credit losses that plagued it in the past ---- specifically by sticking with those reliable customers, Moynihan claimed, it could become a money machine.
John Aiken, an analyst with Barclays in Toronto, said the new standard helped CIBC in the latest quarter, with provisions for credit losses dropping to $ 153 million from $ 212 million a year ago.
Although credit quality outside of CWB's portfolio of oil and gas loans remained stable, higher provisions for credit losses resulted from losses recorded against oil and gas loans.
This begs the following question: how fast can personal consumption grow if new debt growth slows or bears a higher interest burden or credit losses escalate?
Net Operating Income = (Potential Rental Income - Vacancy and Credit Losses + Other Income)- Operating Expenses
In 2007 and 20008, as investors panicked about credit losses and deflation, they sold stocks and bought Treasury bonds.
Many value managers were buying cheap financials up until September 2008, only to realize that their estimates of value were wrong because credit losses would be far worse than expected.
The day may come when the US Treasury may have to recapitalize the Fed after credit losses, or the day may come when inflation causes people to distrust the value of the US Dollar.
«Our tests have shown that many homeowners who are severely underwater on their mortgages will respond positively to a modification offer that includes reduction of their principal balance, increasing the rates of acceptance of HAMP trial modification offers, conversion to permanent modifications and long - term success of the homeowner,» said Jack Schakett, credit loss mitigation executive for Bank of America Home Loans.
Experience also shows that the fact or the fear of large credit losses is often the key variable through which financial disturbances become financial shocks.»
Clearly, credit losses need to be taken by lenders who made bad loans; I don't think that Fed policy can do much about that.
Because the use of the credit score is streamlined, efficient, and helps lenders control credit losses, costs decrease for the borrower.
In the past credit losses have been low, partially because of strong covenants and low availability.
Fannie and Freddie won't get killed, but they will take credit losses.
It is very difficult to transform the macroeconomic assumptios of the stress test into usable credit loss data.
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