Sentences with phrase «credit meltdown»

"Credit meltdown" refers to a severe and widespread collapse in the availability or affordability of credit, which is the money that individuals, businesses, or governments borrow from lenders. During a credit meltdown, it becomes extremely difficult for people to get loans or borrow money, leading to economic instability and financial crises. Full definition
Since the global credit meltdown of 2008, federal Finance Minister Jim Flaherty has attempted to bolster the housing market by toughening mortgage requirements.
Tomorrow, I'll be attending «Global Credit Meltdown!!!!», which could be the title of a sequel to an Al Gore movie but is actually a talk at the U of Toronto Law Faculty.
3) Do you expect the next credit meltdown to come from within the US (as your article suggests is possible) or externally?
Figuring out ways to regulate trading by sophisticated investors in derivatives, which go by exotic names such as «currency forwards» and «credit default swaps,» is a hot topic in international policy circles, largely because failures on this murky side of the market are blamed for the 2008 global credit meltdown and the recession that followed.
Analysts with both the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) were scratching their heads over these issues well before the 2008 credit meltdown.
He continued to try to coax provinces into voluntarily joining a national regulator, but also began drafting a law allowing Ottawa to regulate some of those broader risks the court mentioned, including murkier corners of capital markets like over-the-counter derivatives, often blamed for the much of the 2008 global credit meltdown.
First, Barry Ritholtz threw down the gauntlet over John Carney «s (Clusterstock) contention that the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) was a major contributor to the housing and credit meltdown.
If anyone has a public relations problem, it's Moody's (MCO), once a well - respected bond ratings service, now DC's favorite whipping boy for its role in the credit meltdown.
Hot Links for Weekend Reading... There were two big rivalries this week, so we'll cover those first... First, Barry Ritholtz threw down the gauntlet over John Carney «s (Clusterstock) contention that the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) was a major contributor to the housing and credit meltdown.
A look at total U.S. venture capital investment, for example, reveals a decline that began in the first quarter of 2008, even before the credit meltdown, leading to a 60 % drop a year later.
If for any reason you feel that «Surviving Your Credit Meltdown» is not for you, just send me an email and I will refund 100 % of your purchase price, no questions asked.
I found Taylor McKenzie's «Surviving Your Credit Meltdown» online and I found the book to be highly informative and very useful for my needs with the divorce.
If you have a less than desirable credit score or if you don't have a clue what your credit score actually is, then «Surviving Your Credit Meltdown» is for you.
And, that's exactly why «Surviving Your Credit Meltdown» was created to help you turn your financial woes into credit building opportunities.
«Surviving Your Credit Meltdown» is way more than a simple credit course.
I'm going to teach you everything you need to know in my course, «Surviving Your Credit Meltdown».
Once your order has been processed, you'll get instant access to a private website containing the «Surviving Your Credit Meltdown» e-course.
Capital markets are notoriously capricious, sometimes not available at all (see the 2008 credit meltdown) and sometimes willing to give companies what might be characterized as «almost free money» (see the 1999 IPO boom).
The same people run American Capital Ltd. (ACAS), a business development company that survived the credit meltdown but is on the mend, and American Capital Agency Corp. (AGNC), another mortgage REIT whose name tells you that it invests only in government - backed loans.
While the event provided a positive counterpoint to the credit meltdown that was dominating the news headlines at the time, not all of Coldwell Banker's brokerages supported the initiative.
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