Sentences with phrase «credit scheme»

The universal credit scheme, which rolls six existing benefits into one, was meant to be introduced next month.
Although this may seem like a modest increase, it is actually the largest boost to the R&D tax credit scheme in over 40 years.
Furthermore, the science to support carbon credit schemes does not exist.
He is most enthusiastic about a tax - credit scheme by which individuals could contribute directly to poverty - fighting organizations and then have their federal tax burden decreased accordingly.
The prospects for developing a pure carbon credit scheme remain slim, especially if targeted at the regulatory carbon market, the researchers argue.
The plaintiffs invested in a charity tax credit scheme between 2000 and 2003.
For instance, any carbon credit scheme would have to give credits to anyone using CO2 twice, in exactly the same was as if they never used it.
The new president spoke of the importance of the EGDF, mentioning the body's influential role when French developers were negotiating a 20 per cent tax credit scheme for game development.
Kevin Rudd's MRET of 20 % by 2020 has been corrupted by his solar credits scheme which runs on creating solar credits for sustainable energy never generated.
The work and pensions secretary was answering a question about his troubled universal credit scheme when he stopped to level a jibe at shadow minister Chris Bryant.
For example, ALEC is a big supporter of vouchers and tuition tax credit schemes which use public dollars to subsidize tuition at private or religious schools.
David Cameron today condemned the government's tax credit scheme as a «painful paperchase for hard - working families» in his latest attack on the chancellor.
«The first full results of the new tax credit scheme since its introduction in April 2003 show that the level of claimant error and fraud was unacceptably high,» said auditor general John Bourn.
On FAAC deductions totalling N2.3 bn, Jonah said bond deduction gulped N1.2 bn, restructured commercial bank loan N741m, commercial agricultural credit schemes one and two N162.3 m and foreign loans, N28.76 m.
Also, a lot of local government regulation and incentives such as - micro credit schemes are needed to put crop water management into large - scale practice.»
Coupled with this was the Government's Curriculum Online eLearning credits scheme, established to support investment in multimedia resources.
Through the App, MONEYTAP assists Users to gain access to certain credit schemes from its banking and financial partners.
I guess I put this in the category of the Chase Ritz - Carlton Visa — not a keeper for everyone, but if you fly as a couple on cheap itineraries ($ 100 discount) and can handle the bizzarro - world air credit scheme, then it's a wash - plus and starts to pay cash if and when you ever stay at a Ritz - Carlton, with the club privileges.
A good overview of the Green Credit scheme, another Green Whirlwind policy, can be found here on China Dialogue.
«Under this phantom credits scheme, installing a solar panel will actually mean less power will come from renewable sources.»
Despite plummeting carbon prices, plans for emissions trading and crediting schemes continued to gather apace.
On 3 January, The Globe and Mail spoke to journalist Liu Hu about social credit schemes.
Ian Duncan Smith promised that more than a million people would be signed up to his universal credit scheme by April 2014, with twelve million signed up by 2017.
The Rudd Government promised Australians that it would act on greenhouse, instead it is proposing an inadequate and deeply flawed Emissions trading scheme and a fraudulent solar credits scheme.
The state nixed the brownfield tax credit scheme when it was challenged by developer Carl Paladino.
There was a «rapid increase» at the start of the 1990s because of the recession, and another sharp rise at the turn of the millennium when Labour's flagship tax credit scheme was introduced to help low - income families.
Tapping into tax credit allocations through the New Market Tax Credits scheme, which offers investors tax credits for investing in CDFIs, generated more than $ 65 million in leveraged debt from TCE and Capital Impact and $ 60 million of tax credit equity from JP Morgan and US Bank.
While Olasky generally does a good job of anticipating (and answering) potential objections to his proposals, he needs to explain how the tax - credit scheme can accomplish its goals without jeopardizing other governmental services.
Thus, the credit scheme offers a much more substantial incentive for donors to scholarship funds, and it rewards the generosity of middle - class donors more than the wealthy.
MPs have accused the Department for Work and Pensions of using «evasive» measures to prevent parliament from finding out why there have been yet more delays to the universal credit scheme.
He said that while Labour supports Iain Duncan Smith's universal credit scheme «in principle» the implementation had become a «joke».
Addressing Iain Duncan Smith's universal credit scheme, it said: «Successful delivery of the project is in doubt, with major risks or issues apparent in a number of key areas.
He was one of the first to predict that the Universal Credit scheme, based as it is on a large IT system, would run into trouble as the system would be incapable of dealing with the variety of demands presented.
The Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) is continuing to block publication of reports set to reveal the failure of the Universal Credit scheme, despite a series of rulings insisting they should be released.
The County Executive and Legislators who have advocated for the credit scheme are hurting ECMC, which does amazing work in the most severe situations.
I will only support a borrowing plan that does not include the credit scheme.
Government attempts to set up Universal Credit scheme have already wasted # 34 million according to a damning National Audit Office report.
Ahead of the debate, Reeves attacked Duncan Smith for continuing his fight against the disclosure of internal documents concerning the universal credit scheme, which has now had to be restarted.
The government is expected to largely accept these recommendations, although today Mr Hutton made clear it would be going further in its efforts to include women, by introducing a credit scheme in place of the residency criteria.
The cost of delivering Iain Duncan Smith's troubled Universal Credit scheme is # 225,000 for each person on it, it was claimed today.
In a report, the organisation warned against taking money from Mr Duncan Smith's flagship Universal Credit scheme to sweeten the tax credit pill.
After the Conservatives won the general election in May 2015, Freud was promoted to Minister of State at the DWP, where he was given an enhanced role in overseeing the expansion of the Universal Credit scheme.
The PSC could not create a subsidy that simply made each plant whole: instead it devised a credit scheme reflective of the «social cost of carbon» independent of the plants» supposed financial need.
Iain Duncan Smith's universal credit scheme has been so badly managed it is about to to write - off up to # 425 million, according to a devastating Commons report.
Existing claimants in homes where someone of working age also lives have been spared the welfare cut, but new claimants under the Universal Credit scheme will face deductions.
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