Sentences with phrase «crimes against humanity after»

Indeed, Uday, along with his brother, Qusay, top a list of Iraqi officials who the Bush Administration has said will be tried for war crimes or crimes against humanity after an American - led attack on Iraq, according to published reports.
Perhaps there is a case for making climate change denial an offence — it is a crime against humanity after all.

Not exact matches

Praljak was convicted of crimes against humanity and war crimes in 2013 and sentenced to 20 years in prison, nearly half of which had already been served after he surrendered to the tribunal in 2004.
the abundance of purely uneducated Muslim believers, their oppressive existence in their self created repressive regimes, lifestyles, and governments, their radical inturpitations of their fairy tale book, the fact that their culture and people have contributed less to man kind than any other culture and people of all the earth, their self ritious belief system that empowers them to commit atrocious crimes against humanity, the muslim men prance around in flip flops and linen moo moo's while they lock their woman in their household prisons to be abused slave - wife's, are entirely too ignorant to even build sewer systems and even after thousands of years that other cultures have developed running water toilets, toilet paper, and effective sewerage systems, they still whipe their pood - cracks with one hand (no paper) and eat with the other, and yiddle to the sky just before detonation of their suicide bombs that murder innocent men, woman, children, and babies.
How wonderful that your masters are finally being marginalized after committing crimes against humanity since the dawn of time.
After receiving a 500 - page report on Eritrea's abuses last summer, the UN Human Rights Council extended its inquiry for another year, focusing on whether the «systematic, widespread, and gross violations of human rights» may add up to «crimes against humanity
It comes after a two - day meeting earlier this year in Rome when Pope Francis said trafficking was «an open wound on the body of contemporary society; a crime against humanity».
Also... We didn't sit idle and watch crimes against humanity... we went after people like the Nazis and KILLED them.
For example, a man even after committing the most terrible and atrocious of crimes against humanity remains a man biologically; he is still a «rational animal» — i.e., essentially distinct from an animal — but within the context of society, he does not belong.
Now, after much discussion on the previous page with Austin on the crimes committed against humanity in Uganda, he still doesn't show any signs of sympathy for the victims, but writes «the dude in uganda is a psychotic retarded satanic attack on nothing of any value».
If vaccinating females makes no sense, going after males is a crime against humanity.
After a long and expensive trial, the Special Court for Sierra Leone will finally give its verdict on whether former Liberian president Charles Taylor is guilty or innocent of war crimes and crimes against humanity.
In speech after speech, he lectures women on how many children to bear, calls abortion a crime against humanity, declares himself as the leader of all Muslims, and even made comments about certain TV shows, which he deemed incommensurable to traditional values.
On Monday October 6th, just days after Chris Grayling published Tory plans to scrap the Human Rights Act, a foreign leader was already using them to defend himself against charges of crimes against humanity.
«Skeletal Analysis after Crimes Against Humanity and Genocides: Implications for Human Rights» by Julie Fleischman
Graduate Student Winner Julie Fleischman, Michigan State University Essay Title: «Skeletal Analysis after Crimes Against Humanity and Genocides: Implications for Human Rights»
Julie Fleischman, Michigan State University Essay Title: «Skeletal Analysis after Crimes Against Humanity and Genocides: Implications for Human Rights» Ms. Fleischman is an Anthropology doctoral student at Michigan State University.
Two decades after forging an unlikely alliance in Pol Pot's Cambodia, a French ethnologist and a former Khmer Rouge official meet again after the latter is arrested for crimes against humanity, in this drama from top French director Règis Wargnier.
Two decades after forging an unlikely alliance in Pol Pot's Cambodia, a French ethnologist and a former Khmer Rouge official meet again after the latter is arrested for crimes against humanity, in this drama from top French director Régis Wargnier.
INDEPENDENT & FOREIGN FILMS Harlan: In the Shadow of Jew Suss (Unrated) WWII documentary examining Jew Suss, an anti-Semitic feature film produced by Nazi Minister of Propaganda Joseph Goebbels in 1940 and directed by Veit Harlan who was later tried for crimes against humanity but exonerated after raising the «I only followed orders» defense.
Despite greasing the skids for his pals Hitler and Minister of Propaganda Goebbels, Harlan somehow managed to beat the rap when he was put on trial after World War II for crimes against humanity.
It is therefore not surprising thatOHCHR, after a thorough inquiry, came to the conclusion that the above - mentioned barbaric acts against refugees constituted war crimes, crimes against humanity and possibly crimes of genocide, subject to confirmation by a competent international criminal court or tribunal.34 So far, no charge has been brought forward.
After all, top ten lists aren't a crime against humanity.
After documenting the largely successful efforts of companies like ExxonMobil to paralyze the policy process, confuse the American people and cynically ««reposition global warming as theory rather than fact,»» as one strategy paper put it, he concludes that «what began as a normal business response by the fossil fuel lobby — denial and delay — has now attained the status of a crime against humanity
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