Sentences with phrase «crisis of life»

My wife and I are currently undergoing the biggest crisis of our lives.
Support of individuals and families in both the developmental and accidental crises of living is another need - satisfying function of religious groups.
What are the biggest lessons I've learned in all that time listening and feeling with people who are in some of the biggest crises of their lives?
Infertility is a complex crisis of life and increases psychological difficulties such as anxiety and depression.
The narcissism of the contemporary ironist is utterly inappropriate in all the real crises of life.
With the controversy over the site and substance of his proposed Islamic center now spanning the globe, the imam is relying on an informal cabinet of faith - based advisors, many of them Christian and Jewish, for crisis management advice and moral support during the most difficult public crisis of his life.
The festivals of the church year and the sacraments have special usefulness in assisting people in structuring the rapidly passing years and in handling the inevitable crises of living.
In the great crises of life, such as the anguish and dangers of war, separation from loved ones by death, illness that sweeps away all one's normal powers, it is sometimes easier to trust in God than during the ordinary tensions and strains of living.
At the beginning of 2018, I had the biggest health crisis of my life, where my body exploded in rashes head to toe, I had zero energy to do anything at all, and even it got to the point where I couldn't get out of bed for weeks at a time.
Background: Infertility is a complex crisis of life and increases psychological difficulties such as anxiety and depression.
I am writing this because im going through one of the biggest crisis of my life.
The minister's caring symbolizes the caring of the religious community and of God and is expressed in many ways — for example, a friendly word as people leave the worship service, a congratulatory note when a member is honored by his company, a visit to welcome a new family to the community, and the vital pastoral ministries in the pivot points and crises of life — marriage, birth, death, confirmation, sickness, accidents, and so forth.
Marriages without such a sense are seldom strong enough to survive the trials» and crises of life.
If it be thy will, Jesus asks, do not lead us into the dangers and crises of life; but when they come, he goes on, keep us from succumbing to evil.
All of us have and need defenses to cope with the pressures and crises of our lives.
We can only say in the crises of life, «Surely the Lord was in this place.»
The sacraments (holy communion and baptism for most Protestants), as well as sacred rites such as marriage, confirmation, healing practices, and funeral services are symbolic ways of dealing with the major stress - points and crises of living.
It provides him with a concept of Providence and the feeling that he is not alone in the crises of life.
In the same address he went on to speak of people of unusual sensitivity who in some crisis of their lives become still more acutely conscious of the oneness of all being.
For I know, as many others know, that in the crises of life men and women not only reach out desperately for God but quite often find him.
It was the Latin poet Horace who asserted the primacy of the permanent truths of art over the ephemeral fads and crises of life, in the axiom, «ars longa, vita brevis» (roughly, «art is long, life is short»).
Shared from personal experience of surviving her father's suicide and other hardships in life, as well as twenty years of social work experience, this workshop will challenge you to re-think your approach to the crisis of life.
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