Sentences with phrase «crisis someone face»

Will increasing the retirement age for judges to 75 solve the current recruitment crisis faced by the judiciary?
It is this runaway nature of global warming and it's devastating global impact that is making it the most pressing environmental crisis facing humanity today.
In other words, according to the government's own numbers, there was no fiscal crisis facing the government in the medium term.
Yet there is another aspect of this parallel which I feel is crucial to understanding the environmental crisis we face today.
This program brings together women from all walks of life to address the housing crisis facing millions of women and children worldwide.
And is one of the most urgent crises facing humanity right now.
As far as I'm concerned, stress and it's manifestations are the biggest crisis facing women in the 21st century.
There's a lot of talk about the housing affordability crisis faced by Millennial home buyers.
He is keen to fight the tragic opioid crisis facing our country, but does not realize this can not be done without providing access to qualify, affordable health care.
I respect the different goals that law schools pursue, but I always ask myself what can we be doing to better address the access to justice crisis facing our country?
Part I looks at the cultural and historical crises facing our human development.
But when drawing up their manifesto, properly addressing the budgetary crises facing working class mothers simply wasn't a high priority.
The real crisis facing his party is far more fundamental and long - term.
I've called this the «measure problem», and view it as one of the deepest crises facing physics today.
This program brings attention to the housing crisis facing millions of women and children worldwide through teamwork and charity.
We can help address the many crises faced by our world.
There's no single, magic bullet that can solve the North American and global energy and environmental crisis facing all of us.
There's a lot of talk about the housing affordability crisis faced by Millennial home buyers.
And of course, the follow - up, «Speaker Ryan refuses to talk to scientists about crisis facing planet.»
The prime minister said people should remember many of crises faced by the government were beyond ministers» control.
George Will's commentary is especially effective here as he points our the two great crisis facing FDR: the depression and Hitler.
Most recently, Dr. Ladner authored the groundbreaking, original research Turn and Face the Strain: Age Demographic Change and the Near Future of American Education, outlining the future funding crisis facing America's K - 12 public education funding.
In the current climate crisis we face, advancement of carbon sequestration programs parallel to healthy energy policy will enable us to begin the process of undoing the damage already evident.
According to the outgoing Permanent Secretary, Sir Nicholas McPherson, they made the «monumental collective intellectual error» of failing to forecast the biggest ever financial crisis facing Britain.)
What is needed is a fully funded pay award that addresses the erosion in teachers» pay since 2010 otherwise the recruitment crisis facing schools will only worsen.»
«The identity crisis we faced as teenagers became an asset for us as we became adults and parents.
The Government's critics claim that one of the major causes of the current economic crisis facing Britain is high levels of government debt.
Labour leader Ed Miliband has been speaking to supporters in Birmingham outlining his party's plan to tackle the cost of living crisis faced by many across the UK.
The following water lesson plan for English teachers, history teachers, humanities teachers and science teachers asks students to compare the water crisis facing Flint, Michigan to a different...
TNR is the most humane and effective method available to end the severe feral cat overpopulation crisis faced in this country.
He talks about his background and family life growing up, the existential crisis he faced during his twenties, and how he came to the conclusion that dividend growth investing was the path to happiness for him.
On the level of nature, it is becoming ever more evident that the pretensions of homo faber as the essential definition of humanness are the prime source of the worsening ecological crisis we face.
The funding crisis facing public education will be on display during forums held in the coming weeks across central New York.
Ahead of New York Governor Andrew Cuomo's State of the State speech Wednesday, there's a conference today in Manhattan about the fiscal crisis facing New York's counties.
According to the Animal Legal Defense Fund, animal hoarding is the number one animal cruelty crisis facing companion animals in communities across the country.
World Federalists believe that the environmental crisis facing planet earth is a global problem and therefore calls for a «global» solution — a worldwide United Nations Environmental Agency with the power to make its decisions stick.
By the following September, when his exhibition «Current Times, Savage Times» was exhibited at Taymour Grahne Gallery in New York, Figueroa's engagement with the ecological and economic crises facing Puerto Rico had become startlingly direct.
Considering the historic fiscal crises facing many states, it is significant that family planning escaped major reductions in nine of the 18 states (CO, CT, DE, IL, KS, MA, ME, NY and PA) where the budget has a specific line - item for family planning.
is equally poetic in its imagery, while benefiting from a stronger thematic focus: the identity crisis faced by Brady Blackburn (Brady Jandreau), a young «Lakota cowboy» recovering from a near - fatal rodeo injury.
Given the urgency of the housing crisis facing London, I ask Khan whether it's inevitable that whoever becomes mayor will eventually have to build out into the green belt.
Yahoo! Financial News reported that stocks tumbled on news of the debt crisis facing Greece and Puerto Rico.
We want more international cooperation after we vote leave, but the EU is not fit for purpose, and can not cope with the multiple crises we face like terrorism, Syria and mass migration.»
The following lesson plan and classroom resources ask students to compare the water crisis facing Flint, Michigan to a different water crisis in China.
In terms of the number of animals affected and the degree and duration of their suffering, hoarding is the number one animal cruelty crisis facing companion animals in communities throughout the country.3
A new set of Hillary Clinton emails shows how politics, diplomacy and philanthropy would periodically converge during her tenure as secretary of state, with top aides drawing on Clinton Foundation contacts to cope with crises facing the U.S. government overseas.
«While the facilities challenges facing charter schools in New York City are well known, there is an equally serious crisis facing charter children in Buffalo, Rochester, and elsewhere upstate that also requires Albany's leadership.»
In Facebook's case, CEO Mark Zuckerberg finally responded, after days of delay, to the Cambridge Analytica data crisis facing the company, appearing on media platforms to explain that mistakes were made, apologize, and vow to set things right.
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