Sentences with phrase «critical classroom issues»

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«Results after eight weeks show statistically significant improvements in classroom and home behaviors, and self - esteem of the children, family closeness, parent involvement in school, and the reduction of social isolation,» states a summary of FAST on the Web site of Joint Venture, a nonprofit organization working on critical issues facing many California communities.
... Lastly, the class raised my awareness of social issues, provoked critical thinking, and went way beyond the classroom.
Anecdotally, a lack of support and training have also been critical issues affecting success with classroom technology.
Simon Nelson, Chief Executive at FutureLearn, said: «Gender equality is widely discussed in today's workforce, so it's critical to address this issue as early as possible by opening up a dialogue in the classroom too.
Principals must include careful attention to classroom instructional practices, but should not neglect many other issues that are critical to the ongoing health and welfare of school organizations.
Critical issues included: addressing benchmark results, having the leadership team visible in all classrooms, researching and initiating appropriate interventions, supporting teachers through coaching, and providing resources and removing barriers to learning.
Additionally, Student EMP2 emphasized the critical nature of addressing issues related to bullying in the classroom and how important it is to support the victims of bullying.
Nevertheless, teachers» ineffective technology integration in classrooms has continually been identified as a critical unresolved issue (OECD, 2015; U.S. DOE, 2014).
(2017) Learning outside the classroom, Issue 302, p38 Frauman, E. (2010) Incorporating the concept of mindfulness in informal outdoor education settings, Journal of Experiential Education, Vol.33, Issue 3, p225 - 238 Humberstone, B; Stan, I. (2009) Well - being and outdoor pedagogies in primary schooling: The nexus of well - being and safety, Australian Journal of Outdoor Education, Vol.13, Issue 2, p24 - 32 Marzano, R., Pickering, D. (2007) The case for and against homework, Educational Leadership, Vol.64, Issue 6, p74 - 79 Moffett, P. (2012) Learning about outdoor education through authentic activity, Mathematics Teaching, p12 - 14 Mudd, A. (2007) Outdoor learning in the school grounds (primary), Environmental Education, Vol.84, p5 - 6 Scott, G., Boyd, M., Colquhoun, D. (2013) Changing spaces, changing relationships: the positive impact of learning out of doors, Australian Journal of Outdoor Education, Vol.17, Issue 1, p47 - 53 Sharpe, D. (2014) Independent thinkers and learners: a critical evaluation of the «Growing Together Schools Programme, Pastoral Care in Education, Vol.32, Issue 3, p197 - 207 Skates, E. (2014) On the up: Learning outside and raising attainment, Primary Geography, Issue 85, p14 - 15 Whawell, G., Tanner, J. (2015) Not like in the classroom, Primary Geography, Vol.
Using video, readings, case studies and our own critical incidents, we will take up the issue of how to effectively mediate the thinking and practice of classroom educators as it relates to culturally responsive practice.
Preservice teachers also experienced feelings of empathy pertaining to the backgrounds of their simulation students and critical issues faced in the classroom, such as bullying.
Other authors in this issue carefully consider the meaning of close reading (pp. 24, 36); the place that reading aloud has in the classroom (pp. 36, 48); and the practices that best support critical reading and powerful writing (pp. 48, 68, 74).
Reframing discipline issues as «problems to be solved,» Yvonne emphasizes the critical role of social - emotional development in early childhood classrooms.
Our current programs focus on parks as a tool for preventive healthcare, a classroom for climate education, and a resource for critical urban issues like homelessness, income and racial inequity, and rapid development.
Respite Care: Our therapeutic classrooms give parents respite time to maintain employment, complete schooling, and resolve critical issues related to medical care, substance abuse treatment, and child welfare involvement.
Included in that training are classroom exercises to highlight critical issues that arise in professional standards matters.
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