Sentences with phrase «critical equity issues»

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Equity analysts charged with evaluating publicly traded companies can fall victim to herd mentality, and by slapping a «sell» rating on a company or issuing a critical report, an analyst risks getting cut off by management.
As an experienced leader in education, Nathan actively mentors teachers and principals, and consults nationally and internationally on issues of educational reform, leadership and teaching with a commitment to equity, and the critical role of arts and creativity in schools.
All faculty and staff became advocates in the pursuit of equity and excellence, designed lessons with a purpose, and articulated an urgency to address critical issues that lead to the successful outcomes outlined in the campus improvement plan.
For instance, members of the Equity Coalition have published joint statements on discipline and to the Trump Administration and 115th Congress regarding critical issues impacting students with disabilities in charter schools.
When we introduce our teacher candidates to critical literacy in our English language arts program, some of them are reticent to addresses issues of gender, equity, and social justice with students in the early years.
The hiring of credentialed teacher librarians is a critical issue of equity.
In this context the World Energy Council's Future Energy Leaders (FEL) Human Capital taskforce has carried out work presented in their FEL - 100 Human Capital: Equity and Skilled personnel for current and future trends report to understand current critical issues impacting the attraction, development and retention of talent in the energy sector.
Through American Rivers» Just Water initiative, we seek to address critical water equity issues facing communities across the country.
This experience allows us to appreciate the goals and critical issues of secured and unsecured creditors, equity holders, asset purchasers and other parties of interest as we work with a borrower to develop an effective reorganization strategy.
His unstinting support of social justice and equity issues has been critical in encouraging policy makers to think of these issues.
Within the schoolhouse walls and in the wider community, we face critical, immediate equity issues — such as the belief that some students are incapable of high intellectual / cognitive performance — and other forms of institutional and structural racism that lead to differential rates of mass incarceration, income inequality, and health outcomes.
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