Sentences with phrase «critical issues are raised»

Therefore, the same critical issues are raised in both proceedings, so there is clear overlap favoring consolidation.
When critical issues were raised, the government side said Ghana was going to lose out so we had to seal the deal,» he said.

Not exact matches

As to the question of when he and his party will develop a broad and substantive legislative platform to tackle the critical challenges America faces, McConnell has a ready answer as well: «If we're in the majority,» he says, «we'll be sitting down, intensely, a year from now on the very issue you've raised
Good answer: Did what needed to be done, especially in a time - critical situation, then found an appropriate time and place to raise issues and work to improve the status quo.
There are three critical issues to consider in creating a strong brand and raising assets in today's competitive environment: the quality of the fund offering, the investor's perception of the quality of the fund offering, and the marketing and sales strategy.
The meetings, which were organized by Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters and the Canadian Manufacturing Coalition, focused on raising the profile of issues critical to driving investment in manufacturing and growing the sector that accounts for $ 287 billion in provincial GDP and 81 per cent of exports in 2014 despite challenges stemming from the economic downturn.
Whether the company will need to raise capital this year has been oft - debated; it became a more critical issue after Tesla revealed that it burned through about $ 1 billion in cash in the first quarter.
Apart from the question whether there will be sufficient funding for all these plans, they also raise the critical issue of the appropriateness of the technologies transferred and the capacity of the recipient countries to master them.
Some years ago James Smart observed that one of the reasons the Bible is «strangely silent» in congregations is because pastors are not able to bring a «critical» perspective on Scripture to bear on faith issues.5 With that in mind, I have attempted to address a biblically informed theological reflection to the key issues raised by transition in culture, church, and family.
5 This statement was widely accepted among Christians at that time, but when Gollwitzer raised the issue in 1971, the response was highly critical.
In the coming months, the D.C. School Food Project is poised to raise awareness of this critical issue in the community.
The issues around state power and surveillance raised by Edward Snowden's revelations should be an important theme in the upcoming general election, while the symbolic double anniversary of Magna Carta (aged 800) and the web (aged 25) offers an opportunity for critical reflection on how to upgrade fundamental liberties in response to new threats and re-imagine how technology can serve the common good.
«We are pleased that the Defence Committee has also highlighted the importance of closing critical capability gaps, especially in maritime patrol aircraft, as well as the regeneration of sufficient numbers of trained personnel and equipment for the military to remain effective — issues we raised in our SDSR contribution published in July.
In an interactive forum dubbed «The Future leaders Dialogue Series» the teaching staff of Gomoa Darumpong, raised critical issues of policy and administrative importance that may be contributing to the poor B.E.C.E performance in districts such as Gomoa West.
Critics accuse Mr Cameron of putting squabbles ahead of the national interest on an issue which was first raised 12 years ago as critical to Britain's economic future.
The educational and training elements of these exchanges helps us examine the critical environmental impact issues that have been raised by our Asian partners.
This ambitious P3 effort is aimed at raising awareness of the passenger pigeon extinction centenary and critical contemporary species extinction issues.
EPE's mission is to raise awareness and understanding of critical issues facing American schools.
While suicides and attempted suicides are serious issues of health and safety, many of the critical questions and debates that those incidents raise for educators and the broader public are distinct from those generated by school shootings.
To address the issue, the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) Education Coalition was formed in 2006 to «raise awareness in Congress, the Administration, and other organizations about the critical role that STEM education plays in enabling the U.S. to remain the economic and technological leader of the global marketplace.»
The letter is critical of Swindon Borough Council, claiming that when Simmons has raised issues in the past the council has been «defensive in it response».
Editorial Projects in Education is a nonprofit organization, exempt from taxes under Section 501 (c)(3), dedicated to raising the level of understanding and discourse on critical issues in American education.
I later learned they were discussing raising property taxes to boost the school budget, a critical issue local voters and parents needed to understand.
A related issue, first raised by Durkheim and now at the center of critical pedagogy, is: How much emphasis should schools place on promoting individual achievement vis - Ã - vis collective well - being?
Silva et al. (2000) offered a related finding in a case study of teacher leadership, which found it was critical to one teacher leader's development to communicate openly and raise issues freely with the principal.
Retaining an explicit emphasis in the new standards on including «opportunities for students to study relationships among science, technology, and society» (Hicks et al., 2014, Table 1) would open the door to consideration of a set of issues that every future teacher ought to be thinking about, for example, the power relationships enacted online as manifest through sexism, racism, anti-Semitism, and homophobia; the quality of the discourse and information that circulates there and the effects of rumor on reputation; notions of public and private in a digital age; cyber bullying and suicide; copyright and plagiarism; ethics and professional responsibilities related to social media; and a host of other topics and questions that a critical media literacy approach could raise regarding technology and citizenship education.
(2017) Learning outside the classroom, Issue 302, p38 Frauman, E. (2010) Incorporating the concept of mindfulness in informal outdoor education settings, Journal of Experiential Education, Vol.33, Issue 3, p225 - 238 Humberstone, B; Stan, I. (2009) Well - being and outdoor pedagogies in primary schooling: The nexus of well - being and safety, Australian Journal of Outdoor Education, Vol.13, Issue 2, p24 - 32 Marzano, R., Pickering, D. (2007) The case for and against homework, Educational Leadership, Vol.64, Issue 6, p74 - 79 Moffett, P. (2012) Learning about outdoor education through authentic activity, Mathematics Teaching, p12 - 14 Mudd, A. (2007) Outdoor learning in the school grounds (primary), Environmental Education, Vol.84, p5 - 6 Scott, G., Boyd, M., Colquhoun, D. (2013) Changing spaces, changing relationships: the positive impact of learning out of doors, Australian Journal of Outdoor Education, Vol.17, Issue 1, p47 - 53 Sharpe, D. (2014) Independent thinkers and learners: a critical evaluation of the «Growing Together Schools Programme, Pastoral Care in Education, Vol.32, Issue 3, p197 - 207 Skates, E. (2014) On the up: Learning outside and raising attainment, Primary Geography, Issue 85, p14 - 15 Whawell, G., Tanner, J. (2015) Not like in the classroom, Primary Geography, Vol.
By Tara García Mathewson, US News, July 31, 2017 This article raises the very important issue of who should have priority in the expansion of bilingual education at a critical time, as DCPS is about to issue its strategic plan which will include the expansion of dual...
The new president will be expected to knowledgeably encourage and embody that leadership both internally, for example, helping to investigate innovative and future - oriented higher education delivery models, and externally, raising Pratt's profile by engaging in critical design and cultural issues of the day, such as ongoing efforts to diversify the professional fields.
Tom Eccles, Executive Director of CCS Bard states: «Through her timely exhibitions, critical thinking, and eloquent, intelligent advocacy, Thelma Golden has demonstrated that curating is of crucial importance, raising issues and developing ideas that are central to our time.
In addition to the critical issues raised through the exhibition, «Empire of Dreams» is also the Museum of Contemporary Canadian Art's biennial celebration of artists living in Toronto.
Guston is the «prophetic» painter who raises the critical issue of whether painting is possible any longer and «of whether it's possible to create in our society at all.»
Michael Kennedy, HSI / Australia director, said: «If the Japanese Government sanctions whaling in Antarctic waters by Kyodo again this year, as we fear it will, and Kyodo continues to ignore the 2008 injunction and the decision of the Federal Court, it is critical that the Australian Government raises this issue with the Japanese Government in the most forceful way possible.»
Since the film was first premiered in late 2016, it has demonstrated huge potential for raising awareness and stimulating public debate on this critical issue.
We need new policies, regulatory frameworks, and institutions focused on four areas: creating market - based incentives to innovate and raise carbon productivity; addressing market failures that prevent abatement opportunities from being captured profitably; resolving issues of allocation and fairness, in particular between the developed and developing worlds and between industry sectors; and accelerating progress to avoid missing critical emissions targets.
The Cook quote has nothing to do with anything, certainly won't exonerate their fraud or address any substantive issues I raised, which I think are critical issues that void the study, so... I haven't gone to the page yet, but I'm really starting to worry that these people have nothing to say, and may not understand the issues.
All of our combined efforts (especially including all the front line activists that are doing their best to sound the alarm) have helped immensely to raise public awareness on the critical climate engineering issue.
However, only a few percent of Americans have ever heard of Atrazine, so raising awareness of the issue is critical if we are to overcome the lobbying power of the billion - dollar agro-chemical giants.
Two papers that I was an author or co-author on in recent years generated a fair amount of blog commentary — Schmidt (2009) in IJoC and Benestad and Schmidt (2009) in JGR — mostly because they were explorations of issues raised by authors critical of the mainstream view of climate science.
Comment: Some commenters noted the issues and recommendations raised in the Institutes of Medicine report «To Err Is Human» and the critical need to share information about adverse drug and other medical events, evaluation of the information, and its use to prevent future medical errors.
The judge's identification of the relevant issues for discussion could be critical, although the process does give scope for other issues to be raised by the experts and counsel.
However the critical issues raised about this subject reflect my own unease with what are often taken to be the «norms» of practice in Canada today.
As services and support offered through our ACCHOs are integral to the health, social and emotional wellbeing of Aboriginal people, so is the role of Aboriginal Health Workers (AHWs) as part of the clinical team and critical for ensuring key health issues or concerns are raised and managed appropriately.
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