Sentences with phrase «crop water requirements»

Weeds increase crop water requirements, labor needs, and disease issues.

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Producers must have a pasture management plan and manage pasture as a crop to meet the feed requirements for the grazing animals and to protect soil and water quality; and,
Dodd's work has applications in saving water for irrigation managers and could lead to a reduction in the water requirements of crops such as wheat and potatoes.
Your foodie friends will marvel over the misshapen slices of tomato in your caprese salad — so retro, yet still with 40 times the lycopene, and 20 percent of the water requirements of last century's crops!
The increased production in these crops is driven by higher precipitation predicted to occur in the central U.S., combined with higher concentrations of carbon dioxide, which reduces a plant's water requirements.
They then used a crop model to simulate daily water requirements for various crops, driven by the researchers» modeled projections of precipitation and temperature, and compared these requirements with the amount of water predicted to be available for irrigation in a particular basin through the year 2050.
Rising temperatures and shifting precipitation patterns will affect productivity through altered water requirements and water - use efficiency of most crops.
Performance Plants Inc. has key technologies that achieve higher and more consistent crop yields through improved heat tolerance, drought tolerance and reduced water requirements.
The Early Access release saw a massive update to the agricultural systems, where you can grow your own crops... with all of the expected requirements of temperature, water and oyxgen that goes along with farming.
In addition to hemp's value to both farmers and the economy, it is a hardy crop, light in water and nutrient and fertilizer requirements.
Water Use per Acre of Almonds: All crops require water and the total water requirement varies throughout the growing season as a function of temperature and other climatic factors, the characteristics of the plants themselves, soil conditions, irrigation methods and efficiencies, and Water Use per Acre of Almonds: All crops require water and the total water requirement varies throughout the growing season as a function of temperature and other climatic factors, the characteristics of the plants themselves, soil conditions, irrigation methods and efficiencies, and water and the total water requirement varies throughout the growing season as a function of temperature and other climatic factors, the characteristics of the plants themselves, soil conditions, irrigation methods and efficiencies, and water requirement varies throughout the growing season as a function of temperature and other climatic factors, the characteristics of the plants themselves, soil conditions, irrigation methods and efficiencies, and more.
It is a simple case of natural cycles not being able to provide the current water requirements given the population growth, and the high demands for crop irrigation to satisfy the countries produce.
In his presentation, Prof. Ashfaq Ahmad Chattha mentioned that not only carbon dioxide level but temperature was also rising due to climate change, which increases water requirement for the crops and in case of water non-availability results in loss of production.
These fuel crops can produce usable energy with < 10 % the energy inputs of corn (McLaughlin and Walsh 1998), with lower water and nutrient requirements (Msangi et al. 2007; Heaton et al. 2008a).
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