Sentences with phrase «cross religious lines»

Robert, this issue crosses religious lines.

Not exact matches

But there will probably come a point when red lines get crossed and Catholic and other religious leaders declare: Contempt for immigrants, even illegal immigrants, is not a moral option.
Albeit, they didn't «need» to fire her, but I do not believe her religious lines were crossed, she was not celebrating the birth of Jesus, nor any other religious observances connected with that day.
But how else can you tell that someone's religious beliefs have crossed the line?
«I strongly believe that we must be vigilant in protecting our citizens from crime and terrorism, but to put large segments of a religious community under surveillance with no legitimate cause or provocation clearly crosses a line,» he said.
I believe that the churches should be taxed and if they cross the line between religious organizations and political organizations they should be labeled a lobbying organization and be governed by those regulations.
Yes, you have a point that some «religious ceremonies» really push the envelope on credulity and at some point can cross a line of civility.
Ecklund reveals how scientists — believers and skeptics alike — are struggling to engage the increasing number of religious students in their classrooms and argues that many scientists are searching for «boundary pioneers» to cross the picket lines separating science and religion.
They worship his vileness as charm and sharp tongued wit --- but don't you dare cross that line you religious bigotted, intolerant.
Funny how you religious types never have a problem with the people who invent bombs, but as soon as us biologists start talking about evolution, then we've crossed a line.
I agree with Tom, no one cares that you believe, thats fine by me, but when you try to envelope your religious beliefs into government / lawmaking / schooling, you cross a line, the Taliban runs their government with a strict religious core and thats working out great for those under their law, isn't it?
You can rest easy knowing no religious lines will ever be crossed in any of these classes.
Hail Caesar skillfully set up the main religious lines that are put forth in the dying minutes of the movie when Caesar approaches Christ on the cross and the words should be set into stone... packaged within levels of the reality of Hollywood, communism, and a director who lives to make a positive + difference in this world...
I'm not a religious person myself, and even I thought they crossed the line.
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