Sentences with phrase «cross roads»

More than likely you have been faced with a black cat crossing the road in front of your vehicle.
We are at cross roads as a nation and will require great sacrifice and discipline to over come our self inflicted challenges.
These simple safety measures combined with always looking both ways when crossing the road can reduce the likelihood of an accident from occurring.
Only in this way is it possible to avoid predators, capture prey or, as humans in a modern world, cross a road safely.
This includes major safety issues, such as looking both ways before crossing the road.
On the way from one to the other, encounters with cars and bicycles, people walking and chickens crossing the road are common.
It's a great idea if you like to hold your girl's hand while crossing the road or open the restaurant door for her.
If you drive slow or stop when the students crossing the road with or without the pedestrian lane, good for you then.
Their impaired reaction times may not even allow them to see a pedestrian crossing the road until it is too late.
Someone must have been crossing the road just as you were reading the text.
You would never put your infant in the car without a car seat or let your child cross the road without looking both ways.
Not got the looks to stop traffic - but neither do people cross the road when i approach.
They couldn't cross the road let alone cross a bloody ball.
The old joke might be that they tend to never cross the road because they consistently prefer to be in the middle.
They caught sight of a large cumbersome animal crossing the road ahead, which was some 20 yards from the water.
After she missed an exciting opportunity to capture a family of twelve turkey chicks crossing the road behind their mother, she never leaves homes without a camera.
One deer crossing the road may indicate others are about to cross.
If they don't see someone crossing the road — someone who has the right of way — then accidents WILL happen.
I can't tell you how many dogs and cats (and yes turtles crossing the road) I have saved.
This time I knew to cross the road first but this wasn't as easy as it sounds.
Or you can simply cross the road and take a dip in the ocean.
In all honesty, K2 gets equally excited by cows crossing the road in front of the RV.
If you are a truck driver who is at a career cross roads, choosing the office job will help reduce your premiums.
However, I once encountered a small country road with a turtle crossing it and sat for twenty minutes, waiting for the turtle to finish crossing the road so I could continue.
A crazy driver crossed my road twice and I had to make an emergency braking.
A child who is 2 years old needs to hold an adult's hand whilst walking along the street, whilst an older child learns to be capable of crossing the road alone.
This was dangerous for them, as rabbits do cross roads.
I am absent minded crossing roads; if I stopped to contemplate the risks, I'd never step of the pavement.
Ever been at cross roads trying to decide how best to use your accessories?
It follows, then, that the good ones are those worth crossing the road — and, in rare cases, the town — for.
Hotel security always assisted with stopping traffic and allowing guests to easily cross the road.
In the wilderness, for example, deer and other wildlife routinely cross roads in front of drivers.
We face some dilemma; stand at cross roads unable to decide what to do.
Family lawyers see people who are right at that critical cross road.
I am back at the same cross roads, for the third time in the past 3 years now.
They sometimes cross the road in packs and there is no choice for the driver but to stop.
It's kind of like teaching children to cross the road safely, and then claiming that's teaching citizenship.
This may sound like a broken record, but it is critical that pedestrians look both ways before crossing the road.
Whether hit while crossing roads or seeking warmth in the engine compartment, motor vehicles are the cause of many tragic losses of our beloved pets.
Once outdoors, most dogs will take off and they may cross a road with traffic or start chasing animals.
That said, the screen showing what's ahead on the street, pedestrians crossing the road or other cars turning in front of us was easy to understand.
Everyone has to cross the road in his career to go even higher.
Apart from those, there are sheep, goats and other cattle that just cross the road without looking.
They help these people cross roads, climb stairs, and find their way around a place.
It also reduces the time you have to react to the unexpected, such as a car out of control or an animal crossing the road.
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