Sentences with phrase «crowded holiday season»

Considering that, and the already crowded holiday season for 2011, I've got to say I believe we won't see it until sometime in 2012.
However, recent rumors seem to indicate it could come as early as this holiday season, putting yet another blockbuster franchise in to an already crowded holiday season.
Here's my wish for the Washington policy crowd this holiday season: greater humility and patience, so that good ideas (such as this one) can be given a chance to blossom at the state level rather than be screwed up by over-eager feds.
Speaking with Glen Schofield, general manager of the publisher's Redwood Shores studio in San Francisco, had some words to say about the choice to release both Dead Space and Mirror's Edge during the already crowded holiday season.
Feeding a crowd this holiday season?
We know you're busy, so we found 25 chic and festive dresses that will be sure to wow the crowd this holiday season.
Since premiering on the festival circuit in 2002, this small masterpiece has been one of the best films around not to secure a proper theatrical release, and while one week on a single L.A. screen at the height of the crowded holiday season may not exactly qualify as proper, it's nevertheless a joyous happening.
The attention, likely to be duplicated in the coming weeks when critics groups announce their year - end awards and Golden Globe nominees are revealed, should help «12 Years» remain in moviegoers» thoughts during a crowded holiday season at the multiplex.
In a crowded holiday season, why should you see The Ice Harvest?
«Night at the Museum» was released during the crowded holiday season of 2006.
The game was originally scheduled to release on November 18, in a crowded holiday season.
Does Disneyland Adventures recreate the theme park experience well enough to warrant dusting off our Kinect or does this crowded holiday season leave no room for Disney Magic?
Rather than trying to compete during the crowded holiday season.
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