Sentences with phrase «crucial idea»

So right now I will be giving you some awesome and really crucial ideas on changing the oil in your car.
Come and learn the six most crucial ideas to keep in mind when dealing with non-medical baby or toddler sleep issues.
Put simply, there are 5 crucial ideas or questions you must answer.
This is the crucial idea.
McHenry's particular concern is to show that with regard to the concept of prehension «the crucial idea of the perspective of the individual experience seems to be with Whitehead from the very outset of his excursion into metaphysics» (WPSP 1).
Questions to My Teacher serves three purposes: It gives kids practice asking questions and monitoring their own comprehension as they read, it introduces students to the crucial idea that questions have different levels of complexity, and it helps teachers diagnose students» comprehension.
The crucial idea is to use a system that is not based on the inappropriate use of averages.
This volume presents new essays and commissioned visual projects that elaborate on the crucial ideas raised in the forum — the new kinds of cultural identifications facilitated by the Internet; the relationship between art and activism; the poetics of online communication; the relevance of the museum in a digital world; and the complex relationships between bodies, information systems, and urban realities.
Playground Structure draws upon the history of serious play in Western philosophy and culture, a crucial idea in books such as Friedrich Schiller's On the Aesthetic Education of Man (1794), Johan Huizinga's Homo Ludens (1938) and Hans - Georg Gadamer's Truth and Method (1960) as well as the writings of Roger Caillois.
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