Sentences with phrase «crude tools»

Of course, it may be at the end of the day that we decide that mandatory retirement ages are too crude a tool for dealing with that problem.
Certainly, it would say that energy balance models are too crude a tool.
That aside, how would you vote if X was leader are incredibly crude tools.
Now, I should start with some important caveats — hypothetical election questions are very crude tools.
Sometimes it amazes me that Christians (and for that matter, people of all faiths) aren't seen squatting in ditches, trying to use animal bones as crude tools.
Social and ethical theories that deal with such phenomena (and that go beyond the rather tired and crude tools of class and power analysis) are not easy to find in India.
Crude tools found here between 2006 and 2009 are at least 15,500 years old — even older than Monte Verde.
Last year, for example, archaeologists discovered a hoard of crude tools from the southern state of Texas that dates to 15,500 years ago — 2500 years before the Clovis culture emerged.
But polls are crude tools designed to detect simple yes / no positions, while groupware allows for more intimate and nuanced debate.
Segata Sanshiro has no need for such crude tools!
Section 301 is a crude tool for solving trade disputes.
Firstly, they were a crude tool used to create press coverage which emphasised the Tories pro-business agenda; this is important to a prime minister shaping his election strategy around Labour's «recklessness» and «anti-business» agenda.
«We only have crude tools and that slows development down.»
SCORPIONS may use the mysterious green glow they emit in ultraviolet light as a crude tool for deciding when the night is too bright for them to go out safely.
The «Coral Castle», built in 1923 by one man using crude tools and no mortar may hold the answers as this intriguing program explores.
Pensions currently act as a crude tool, pushing veteran teachers who, like Pachter have knowledge and expertise they want to share, out of schools.
Regulation can deal with future loans to some limited degree, but monetary policy is at best a crude tool to deal with past mistakes.
Modern neoclassical economics is to me a bunch of sorcerer's apprentices playing around with very large and crude tools that they think can affect the economy, only to find the results are not what they expect.
Add to that the fact that any law banning animal sales, even with the best intentions, is a crude tool.
Beyond that all the promo spots for the film that focus on her being a «nymphomaniac» appear as nothing but a lowest common denominator spin, a crude tool aimed at bringing in the unsuspecting masses.
The ten times life insurance rule is admittedly a crude tool for deciding how much life insurance to buy.
The Body Mass Index has all sorts of issues with it - mostly because it is a crude tool.
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