Sentences with phrase «cruel animal exploitation»

The Sport of Kings, or cruel animal exploitation?

Not exact matches

If we, who so deeply care for them, do not use the appropriate words to speak and act on their behalf, to educate others, to free them from the outdated and cruel paradigm of animal ownership, animal exploitation there can be no doubt that our nation's puppy mills, backyard breeders, laboratories, factory farms and slaughter houses will not do so for us.
The Anti-Cruelty Society opposes dog racing because of cruel training methods, the large scale breeding of unwanted dogs required to produce a winner, and because this so - called sport is an inhumane and unjustified exploitation of animals for profit.
Should wild populations of threatened animals be protected from over harvesting, smuggling and cruel exploitation?
The darker side of this animal exploitation, the mistreatment of these majestic creatures through smuggling, separation or use in elephant begging, however can be particularly cruel.
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