Sentences with phrase «cry over these debates»

Don't worry, I am not crying over a debate on a blog.
There's been some hue and cry over these debates but in my experience it was harmless.

Not exact matches

There's no way the video game publisher Ubisoft could've known that its latest blockbuster game, «Far Cry 5,» would arrive at such a contentious moment in the ongoing US debate over guns.
On Tuesday night, the state legislature refused to debate an outright ban on assault weapons as students from Marjory Stoneman Douglas watched and cried, but the teenagers» push for change is still expected to bring Florida's first limit on gun access in over a decade, according to CNN.
The book spawned a cottage industry of baby instruction tomes and a heated debate over whether the crying was right, or perhaps harmful.
And I also think saying that the cry it out debate is over is confusing, because cry it out means precisely not listening....
Alinea chef Grant Achatz ignited debate over a baby ban in posh restaurants after a crying tot spoiled other guests» dinner.
Child psychologist and author Larry Balter agrees; he was also on the panel for the debate over crying it out.
ALBANY, N.Y. (WBEN / AP)-- Corruption and a rigged political system are battle cries of both sides in a debate over whether New Yorkers should vote this fall to rewrite the state constitution.
Soon gamers will be cheering, crying, and debating over the many big game reveals.
We then proceed to cry over Microsoft letting Heavy Rain slip through their fingers and debate whether or not the Redmond company are right in calling the # 429.99 price point a «complete value proposition.»
Earlier this month, Emily Grossman, a science broadcaster and science researcher, talked about feminism, trolls, and what happened to her after her televised debate with Milo Yiannopoulos over Nobel scientist Tim Hunt's assertion that women in laboratories «fall in love with you and when you criticise them, they cry
A bill being debated by the Senate Judiciary Committee that would transfer jurisdiction over appeals of deportation orders from the regional court of appeals to the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit has ignited cries of protests from patent lawyers.»
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