Sentences with phrase «crying for help on»

On Jan. 18, a veteran blockchain investor named Biquan Zhuge Liang (literally bitcoin strategist) cries for help on Weibo, saying that his millions CNY worth BTM (Bytom) in imToken wallet...
The first time I posted a cry for help on the group, I was literally sobbing because my baby was two days old, and my milk hadn't come in yet.
Other theories say that Munchausen by proxy syndrome is a cry for help on the part of the scientist or warmer, who may be experiencing anxiety or depression or have feelings of inadequacy.
On Jan. 18, a veteran blockchain investor named Biquan Zhuge Liang (literally bitcoin strategist) cries for help on Weibo, saying that his millions CNY worth BTM (Bytom) in imToken wallet...

Not exact matches

«I was summoned to a working - man's cafe in London, and all around me, people were eating bacon and eggs and beans and chatting about the football scores, and I put these headphones on and I was transported into another world where Diana talked about her eating disorders, about desperate cries for help, about her loneliness, about her childhood, about her royal life, about Prince Charles.
Well it is true that some people seek sorcerers to implement Jinn that are satanic demons into mankind or his house or his business to finish him or make his life miserable or to stop flow of his business income... In such case it is either you are religious enough and say your prayers often then it becomes hard for this to harm you or otherwise you need to find some one who practice exorcism to remove this evil... But many are just pretending to be good at it and help you not but squeeze money out of you with tales and stories... There is another type of possessions and that is not through a sorcerer but directly by coincidence what man is at his weakest moments and those weakest moments for a possessions are when you come through a great fear or when cry or laugh loudly in hysteria, or during a certain moment of mating... or even when sneezing loudly... That's why there are prayers to be said on daily basis to guard you from such things and specially if passing haunted places such as deserted houses but most evil ones are residents of public toilets and market places... Some of them even would claim that you have made a wrong action by which you have killed a dear one to them and for that they have possessed you and that is mostly night time such as throwing a cigaret butt to a dark place or stepping killing an insect or even an animal at night which could have been one of them or possessed by one of them... So this is true thing happening to many who suffer unexplainable illnesses or sufferings which could look like mental illness that comes and goes as pleased...
As Jesus and the disciples come into Jericho, passing through on their way to Jerusalem, two blind men cry out for help from the crowds, and Jesus touches their eyes so that they can see.
I confess that I have judged Christian women in my community for their lack of theological depth, despite the fact that when somebody gets sick or has a baby, they are the first to show up with casseroles, tissues, offers to help, and shoulders to cry on.
That is, you need to keep your eyes and ears open for the people whom God brings into your life who need a word of encouragement, a helping hand, a shoulder to cry on, or simply a listening ear.
On the other hand, however, prayer is only necessary when the community is faced with a tremendous difficulty and needs to turn to God and cry out for help in that very moment.
But the Psalm goes on to say: For He has not despised or scorned the suffering of the afflicted one, He has NOT hidden His face from him, but He has listened to his cry for heFor He has not despised or scorned the suffering of the afflicted one, He has NOT hidden His face from him, but He has listened to his cry for hefor help.
Once one becomes alert to affirmations of confidence, cries for help, and prayers for vengeance as expressions of monergism, it almost seems that the entire Psalter is devoted to Yahweh's monergistic warfare on the psalmists» behalf.
I guess, for me, if I were crying out to someone for help in the midst of violence and starvation, and their response was to send a vial of some dead guy's blood on a sightseeing tour... I'd suspect they were just cruelly mocking me.
At that instant of time when I gave all up to him to do with me as he pleased, and was willing that God should rule over me at his pleasure, redeeming love broke into my soul with repeated scriptures, with such power that my whole soul seemed to be melted down with love; the burden of guilt and condemnation was gone, darkness was expelled, my heart humbled and filled with gratitude, and my whole soul, that was a few minutes ago groaning under mountains of death, and crying to an unknown God for help, was now filled with immortal love, soaring on the wings of faith, freed from the chains of death and darkness, and crying out, My Lord and my God; thou art my rock and my fortress, my shield and my high tower, my life, my joy, my present and my everlasting portion.
Sometimes clergy spouses feel they are drowning, and while parishioners stand on the bank expecting them to walk on water, clergy spouses can not even cry for help, for that would show too much vulnerability.
In every salvation, in every time I pray for someone and they start to cry because the Lord touches them or they receive a word of knowledge about their situation that helps them to straighten it out or a word of encouragement that is right on I see God proved.
«There is one moment in anybody's life when you go down on your knees and you cry for help,» he said.
So, Prissy, your take on this is that your god sent Holmes to kill 12 people who had done nothing to harm anyone in order to make us all cry out to him for help and succor?
If we are not careful this club will turn into another Leeds united... dnt we have arsenal fan groups there please come together and demand for changes... we keep on crying in social media daily that wont help us... please do something us fans are now turning to be a joke!
When asked by SI about the $ 15,000, Frohman's widow, Barbara, said her husband told her Winfield lent Spira the money after Spira went to Winfield and her husband «crying, hysterical, on bended - down knees» for help in covering huge debts he apparently owed to mob bookies.
But what's done is done, we can not keep crying about the past, but work on how to build a squad for next year that would help us close that gap to the top.
Instead, the choreographed hype comes across as a cry for help: Bayern could clinch their sixth consecutive title on Saturday if Schalke fail to beat Freiburg earlier in the afternoon.
If I am a baby crying all alone fir 1 minute or 1 hour, I imagine I would be feeling a negative emotion or need, and that I would expect the parents on whom I rely for everything to help me to meet it.
Not to worry, you will become an expert over the next weeks as you develop techniques for helping him calm down and what works will inform you on why he is crying in the first place.
I have learned over time to not ask for help from certain types of people if you're tired as then you get the whole «DD should be on a bottle / in her own bed / crying it out / flying to the moon / etc.»
all of a sudden she wont go in her cot day time or night time, she dropped her day sleep of 1 1/2 hours and is awake for at least 3 hours a night for the last 4 nights so she must be a tired as us bless her, weve done controlled crying every night and we leave door open now with light on in hall and this helps as she does nt scream as much.
Here is a mom's cry for help, tips on how to help a toddler sleep better and many parents» comments.
On network TV morning shows last month, he said he hasn't radically changed his «cry it out» advice, but a revised edition of his book due out in several months does explore additional techniques for helping children sleep through the night.
Facebook friends can't help you care for a sick child, run an errand for you, or give you a shoulder to cry on.
So let me just put some key search phrases in here for desperate parents on the internet: baby won't stop eating baby won't stop nursing baby won't stop crying baby won't stop breastfeeding baby wants more milk baby wants more formula three week 3 week 6 week six week I am a shitty mother please help.
We have some posts that focus on crying and we summarized them fairly recently - for help, see: We know how tough it is to deal with a crying baby but we also know that nearly all babies grow out of this relatively quickly.
For example, she can help parents make sense of the latest research and recommendations on infant care, teach parents ways to soothe a crying baby or help older siblings feel included.
Because it really adds a lot of weight to it, but not only that; most importantly just to be here as a voice for moms, and to have someone who can relate with their incident and someone who can just be a shoulder to cry on and to help them migrate their way through their situation, according to what their needs and their desires are.
For more ideas on how to help your baby sleep better, I can recommend The No - Cry Sleep Solution.
On the contrary, providing opportunities for non-nutritive sucking for as long as a young baby wants can reduce crying and help the infant settle easier at sleep time.
I need some advice I have 3 children my oldest is 8 my middle one is 3 and the youngest is 17 months however My 3 year old completely refuses to use the potty when you mention it she has a complete melt down I know that she has the smarts it take to know when to use the potty because when you ask her where you go potty she says «the big girl Potty» but when i attempt to put panties on her she cries for a diaper so i guess my question is What can I do to help her get over the fits about potty training we have never pressured her but she is now 3 and the diapers are hardly fitting her anymore and she rufuses to put on pull up so please any advice would be great.
and most today only think it's «normal» when a baby isn't getting what it needs first... SO THAT IT HAS NO OTHER CHOICE BUT TO CRY... and you should read «it takes a village» by clinton... yes parents are people too and yes if you don't take care of yourself first then you can't take care of your baby... just like when you get on an airplane you're instructed to in an emergency put on your oxygen mask first THEN help the child sitting next to you... BUT the only reason it's impossible for most people to keep their baby from crying is because they are trying to raise their babies alone without the help of the «village»... so come down off your high horse and just ask for help... it will not only help you (listed you first because of your obvious selfishness from your post... «we don't stop having needs to sleep and eat and have relations with our peers either») but it will mostly benefit the baby.
Dejected, I sat on the little stool meant to help people reach for the higher shelves and just cried.
He helped me figure out the pump and talked to me while i was practically crying in pain as she latched on for those first three weeks.
Not in the traditional sense of letting her cry it out alone - I check on her frequently, try to help her calm, sing to her, etc and leave the room periodically but not for long - I mainly just don't pick her back up as I know that can be confusing.
Helping parents focus on steps for keeping infants calm and soothing infants when they are upset, as well as remaining with infants even if they continue to cry, may be an important step in reducing instances of infant distress.
According to an article on Seattle Children's Hospital website, the acronym PURPLE is used to help define the normal pattern of crying for infants.
As a clinical child psychologist, I have a heightened awareness of the impact of distress on a baby and the potential for a secure attachment to be compromised, and therefore any method of helping our baby to sleep that involved crying was completely out of the question.
Colicky babies cry for hours on end, and no amount of car rides, swinging, rocking, bottle feeding, singing, or diaper changes will help.
Risky behavior is a cry for help and teens who are dealing with these kinds of issues can't make changes on their own.
Her suggestions for using pink - hued white noise and setting your baby's biological clock are invaluable, and all new parents need to learn the real - life advice on helping infants fall asleep unaided * without * crying it out.
A freezer stash can be great for peace of mind: it makes it easier not to cry over spilled breast milk, it's there if you experience a drop in supply, and it helps you not throttle your husband when he accidentally leaves the daycare bottles out overnight on the counter.
My son is potty trained at 26 months one day i said do you want to try underware and he was all for it he had wall e the robot and i said do nt peepee on walle or we have to take them off so he would go oh peepee and run to the potty chair i tryed before then but i just had to wate tell he was ready and watch all the signs he dose both on the potty we can even go on car rides he takes naps and he dosent wet he has had an accedent a few times and he would cry so i would tell him it was ok and let him pic out new underware nothing crazy he was just ready oh yeah we got him a book that had a poster in the back that every time he went potty he could pic out a sticker and put ut on the posster to note his progress and i gess that made him want to use the potty more to get more stickers he loved it i do nt k ow if that helps anyone but it did us good luck every one
The cry for help has been thunderous especially as some water bodies residents depended on have all been polluted by galamsey operators — small scale mining works who have muddied the waterbodies.
ChildLine received almost 50,000 cries for help from children and young people in the twelve days from Christmas Eve to 4th January, a 19 per cent increase on last year's figures.
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