Sentences with phrase «cryptocurrency immutability»

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This is an eyebrow - raising request, since the immutability of transaction records is one of the core features of cryptocurrency, and held as sacrosanct by many supporters of the technology.
By omitting the principle of immutability, which is fundamental to the cryptocurrency revolution, central bankers are perhaps risking their future credibility by endorsing too much of the past.
by Alexander Lielacher Jun 16, 2017 Bitcoin News, Bitcoin News Briefs, blockchain, Blockchain innovation,, cryptocurrency, Cryptocyclopedia, ETC, Ethereum, ethereum classic, Featured, FinTech, immutability, investment, News, smart contracts, technology
«By making each blueprint public information with blockchain immutability, we give users a secure tool that will aid in making calculated decisions on which information to trust the we hope will help them enter the cryptocurrency space and successfully trade.»
By using the blockchain's security and immutability as advantages, as well as the universal character of the PeerAssets protocol, Indicium plans to apply index trading to the world of cryptocurrencies.
For one, cryptocurrency advocates claim that immutability can only be achieved through decentralized economic mechanisms such as proof - of - work.
A moderator of the / r / bitcoin subreddit provided a more detailed response, pointing out that «the main feature of cryptocurrencies is their immutability and their ability to support trustless transactions,» rather than anonymity.
Cryptocurrency advocates claiming that immutability can only be achieved through decentralized economic mechanisms such as proof - of - work.
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