Sentences with phrase «cryptocurrency operations using»

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Bitcoin investors are on alert to see whether Beijing will take further action against cryptocurrencies, such as shutting down bitcoin «mines», the energy - hungry operations that create bitcoin by solving mathematical problems using vast banks of computers.
As a developer or entrepreneur, you may buy and use lumens to learn about cryptocurrency, experiment with operations, and build innovative applications on the Stellar Network.
On Tuesday the office of New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman sent letters to 13 cryptocurrency exchanges requesting information on «their operations, use of bots, conflicts of interest, outages, and other key issues.»
Cryptocurrency mining operations, illegal or not, are becoming a real problem for the higher education sector, where hackers have found plenty of easy to hack systems, but also where students are using university resources to make an extra profit via deliberate cryptocuCryptocurrency mining operations, illegal or not, are becoming a real problem for the higher education sector, where hackers have found plenty of easy to hack systems, but also where students are using university resources to make an extra profit via deliberate cryptocurrencycryptocurrency mining.
As part of this interesting proposal, he talks about the «Austrian cryptocurrency myth» that tokens created in the operation of a double permissionless shared ledger could compete with fiat currencies in everyday use and concludes that for reasons relating to both technology and governance they could not.
Cryptocurrency mining operations are using thousands of times more electricity than an average residential customer, potentially driving up rates for everyone.
«First, the government of South Korea will continue to struggle with anonymous accounts used for cryptocurrency trading and will punish market manipulations, money laundering, and fraudulent operations with investigations in which local law enforcement agencies and financial authorities will participate.
However, the technology behind many cryptocurrencies, the blockchain, could be used to streamline some industries including Liechtenstein's government operations.
Wary of the risks of dealing with cryptocurrencies, banks are backing away from using virtual coins in their operations.
We offer these companies IBAN accounts for fiat and cryptocurrencies they can use and benefit from both types and it really streamlines their operations.
TrickBot is getting in on the cryptocurrency gold rush, expanding its operations to target digital wallets and exchanges using serverside injections and other malicious tactics.
While the global community is expressing its concerns regarding the negative impact that cryptocurrency mining has on the environment, the project aims to open efficient cryptomining operations globally through using exclusively green energy to mine currencies like Bitcoin, Bitcoin cash, DASH, and Litecoin on an industrial level.
Using the Lighting Network method can make operations with cryptocurrency simpler, faster and cheaper, speeding up transactions to mere seconds and taking the load off the main network.
Binance Coin is the coin used to facilitate operations on the Binance platform — a cryptocurrency exchange that is capable of processing 1.4 million orders per second.
Being recently used mostly for operations of speculative nature and storage of wealth, cryptocurrencies are now widely involved in transactions as a payment instrument.
While the majority of the two drafts have reached a consensus regarding crowd - funding using cryptocurrencies, they still reportedly take contradictory stances on the status of cryptocurrency exchange operations.
And while unauthorized mining operations are taking aim at servers, Electrum digital wallets used to access cryptocurrency are also at risk and were patched on Jan. 7.
Some experts believe that North Korea may use that knowledge in order to conduct hostile attacks against cryptocurrency infrastructure like exchanges and mining operations.
This allows news websites to «harvest» computer resources of their readers and use it to mine cryptocurrency that they can later fund their operations with.
In its ICO last month, TenX raised $ 80 million worth of Ethereum with about half to be used to expand operations while the rest will provide liquidity for a cryptocurrency exchange in the works.
This decision by WU is expected to adversely affect the operation of virtual currency exchanges, as well as the consumers using cryptocurrencies.
A hacker could theoretically spin up a server using the same hardware as a cryptocurrency startup running operations on such a cloud platform and suddenly have access to all of their data.
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