Sentences with phrase «crystals as organisms»

You consider crystals as organisms.

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As atoms form from particles, and molecules form from atoms, so crystals and cells form from molecules and organisms form from cells.
RS: According to the hypothesis of formative causation, outlined in my book A New Science of Life, systems such as molecules, crystals, cells, organs and organisms are organized by specific morphogenetic fields, which give them their characteristic form and organization.
For his post-doc, Toor wanted to solve the crystal structure of a group II intron RNA, a molecule formed from a non-coding portion of DNA that delineates genes in lower level organisms such as bacteria.
I believe vibrational medicine, which encompasses the integration of any form of energy healing with living organisms from sound and crystals to herbs and foods combined with mindfulness tools such as yoga and meditation derived from Eastern and Western Spiritual teachings, is the missing piece in today's world of medicine.
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