Sentences with phrase «cubital tunnel»

It's a popular moniker of cubital tunnel syndrome — neuritis, or inflammation of the ulnar nerve.
So, as a recognized condition, what are some of the symptoms of cubital tunnel syndrome?
Are cell phones to blame for cubital tunnel syndrome?
An orthopedic surgeon explains what cubital tunnel syndrome — aka «cell phone elbow» — is, and whether it's worth worrying about
Some people are born with a little extra muscle that not everyone has, or they're born with a narrower cubital tunnel.
Whether you have cubital tunnel syndrome from a job injury, car accident or other manner, the lawyers that we recommend for those cases work on a contingency basis.
It can be worn to prevent and relieve pain from carpal tunnel, cubital tunnel, and tennis elbow.
Right adjacent to that is called the cubital tunnel.
In contrast to cubital tunnel syndrome and carpal tunnel syndrome, radial tunnel syndrome rarely causes numbness or tingling, because the radial nerve principally affects the muscles.
Cubital tunnel syndrome — also known as ulnar neuropathy — is caused by increased pressure on the ulnar nerve, which passes close to the skin's surface in the area of the elbow commonly known as the «funny bone.»
In 2009, I walked away from my career as a Massage Therapist and Esthetician after being diagnosed with carpal tunnel and cubital tunnel.
I was a Massage Therapist and Esthetician for a few years before being diagnosed with carpal tunnel and cubital tunnel.
Because individuals spend a significant part of their day at a computer, they are more prone to carpal / cubital tunnel syndrome, or a repetitive trauma or repetitive motion injury.
Insurance carriers often times dispute whether or not typing activities are causally connected or related to repetitive motion injuries such as carpal and cubital tunnel.
Carpel tunnel, cubital tunnel, radial tunnel, ulnar neuropathy and median neuropathy are all common nerve injuries that can occur in the workplace on either a repetitive or traumatic basis.
Recently I took a friend to see a hand specialist for ulnar nerve entrapment or cubital tunnel syndrome.
Many workers who think they have carpal tunnel syndrome actually have other problems such as DeQuervain's tenosynovitis, trigger finger problems, radial tunnel syndrome, cubital tunnel syndrome or ulnar nerve compression.
Our office has handled numerous such claims for carpel tunnel, cubital tunnel and shoulder impingement injuries.
For dedicated representation in cases involving repetitive injuries such as carpal tunnel and cubital tunnel syndrome, contact Strong Law Offices for a free initial consultation.
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