Sentences with phrase «cucumber plants»

Many blooms on the one lonely cucumber plant in the garden!
They were full of falsehoods, they were full of lies and to cut a long story short — I took a sketchbook and I had linear drawings of wild cucumber plants and I sank one of those images — a silhouette of it — into a tiny piece of cardboard.
Years ago, my mom got me a cute little eggplant and cucumber plant to grow.
I planted 2 cucumber plants, 2 zucchini plants, 3 cherry tomatoes, 2 Roma tomatoes, 1 beefsteak tomato, and 1 hot chili pepper.
Our cucumber plant didn't do much for the first couple of months.
When we planted a cucumber plant at the end of last year we weren't sure whether it was a good decision.
The first year, I planted two tomato plants and a cucumber plant.
There is a gentle wind that shakes the darling leaves of my cucumber plant, wet leaves already bigger than my husbands warm palms.
What do you do when you have a cucumber plant that continues to pump out copious amounts of cucumbers all summer long?
So I purchased 6 cucumber plants and 1 zucchini plant.
Tomato and cucumber plants are being pulled and cleaned up as well.
Yet, while planting our tomato, squash and cucumber plants, we must always keep in mind our furry friends.
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