Sentences with phrase «cuddle up to nurse»

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She nurses mainly at night, and it will be a sad, sad day when I can't cuddle her up to me and experience that closeness.
now we cuddle up watch a movie on a saturday when he is napping with some takeout after i have nursed him to his nap.
I don't nurse her in public because I feel uncomfortable to do so... it's more because its such a relaxing and special time for us it's best done cuddled up on the couch!
When you said, «as AP as you can get without bedsharing» I felt that described us - I still get up whenever he wakes and bring him to our family bed to nurse, calm, and cuddle, but he does the majority of his best sleeping on his own.
I instead have been attempting the cry in my arms (before I even read the article you just sent:)-RRB-, cuddles, nursing sitting up rather than laying down, or just plain rocking, then once DS falls alseep he's gently placed in his cot at the foot of our bed to peacefully sleep for at least the first half of the night.
I tried not to co-sleep with my colicky child for the first 3 months — but he refused to sleep unless he was cuddled up against me and / or nursing — and finally just gave in.
As an infant, it was easy to let your little one nurse or give her a bottle and a cuddle when she woke up in the middle of the night.
At the end of the day, when you might cozy up with your young child in bed and snuggle — when your child might reach for a thumb to suckle, or the frayed end of a blanket to cuddle with or suck on — these children might nurse a bit.
I work the late shift at my job and I don't get home till 10 or 11 sometimes, the best part of my day is to cuddle up with my little boy and watch him sleeping and nursing and knowing that he feels safe and secure now that mommy is home.
Once he came along she wanted to nurse 24/7 I tried tandem nursing thinking as a single mom it would be the best and easiest a route for me, but it was a disaster, I had such a hard time trying to feed my newborn with her latched on, and I was still experiencing aversion... It made me sad that I was hiding from her when it came time to feed the baby, but now she'll crawl up on my lap and just cuddle with us while I nurse.
If they wake up entirely it's easy to see and explain that it's night and still time to sleep (and come cuddle / nurse depending on which one wakes).
Often this is easier to use with a slightly older kid, but even with our 18 month - old, we were able to convey the idea that, when the light turns green, Mommy and Daddy will joyfully accept that it is time to get up and cuddle / nurse / etc.
My baby sleeps later than my toddler in the mornings, so after she's nursed for a while, we «hide out» under the blankets in bed, cuddling together, whispering to each other so as not to wake our little sister up.
My current addiction is watching back to back episodes of Scandal on Netflix while cuddle up in my bed with a nursing baby next to me.
As soon as you begin taking away nursing or bottle - feeding sessions from your child's daily routine, make sure you supplement these times with more cuddling and closeness to make up for the lack of physical contact.
I actually enjoy nursing as much as my 14 month old daughter does, and so, even though some people advise me that it's high time I stopped, I am reluctant.To me, nothing is more relaxing than to get off a hectic day at work, pick up baby from daycare, go home, cuddle up and nurse.
So I simply reduced access at night — he could still nurse to sleep, and he nursed cuddled up in the morning, but we didn't nurse so much if he woke during the night.
Therapy dogs visit nursing homes and hospitals to cheer up residents and give them a warm body to pet and cuddle.
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