Sentences with phrase «cultic institution»

Both sections are concerned — sometimes in closely corresponding or even identical terms — with the physical means, forms, nature, dimensions, and personnel of the cultic - religious institution, the first section ostensibly as plans and the second as detailing the actual construction, realization, and inauguration of the full - fledged cultic institution.
In the priestly - cultic institution the holiest symbol is the mercy - seat, a solid - gold rectangular plate, conforming to the top dimensions of the ark of the covenant (2-1/2 x 1-1/2 cubits: a cubit was 18 inches?)
Lind accepts holy war as a cultic institution that deeply influenced Israel's life and history, but he does not agree that synergism is its typical form.25
But the passage does not even necessarily confirm the cultic institution of prophetism, to say nothing of Jeremiah's integral relationship thereto!

Not exact matches

Isaiah becomes one with the cult prophet, his words reflecting living cultic conditions, the core of which is the institution of sacral kingship.10
One really must say that there is no religious concept, no dogmatic teaching, no ethical demand, no churchly institution, no cultic form and practice of piety in Christianity which does not have diverse parallels in the non-Christian religions.
Furthermore, and much more importantly, it so far surpasses the cultic role of the Old Testament priests that it abolishes that institution completely.
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