Sentences with phrase «cultic practices»

Now the quite distinctive feature of this pioneering venture into history writing is the way in which the Yahwist led his readers» attention away from the ancient practice of turning to the priests and cultic practices for discerning the will of the gods.
As has been defined by Arvind P. Nirmal, religion, for me, is a «symbol - system» that not only reflects the world - view of the adherent community in talks and rituals but also has a profound influence on the very value - system of the community.9 And since the data consists mostly of observations by others I would pick up cultic practices like festivals and related rituals.
Paul was addressing cultic practices creeping into the newly birthed church from the nearby Temple of Artemis.
In that time, the word was associated with cultic practices of women priestesses using their sexuality to dominate men for selfish gain, which applied to specifically this church, in this location at this time.
As I said earlier, Christianity, as a movement, was born from the ashes of late antiquity's social malaise, gobbling up the philosophical attitudes and cultic practices that were lying about, offering ultimate meaning to the Greeks, ultimate justice to the Jews, a City of God to the Romans.
Rather, the apprehension of the supreme «I» was such that certain cultic practices and taboos associated with his worship appeared altogether irrelevant.
In this, fundamentalism differs from religions that focus on a person or a cultic practice.
The power of the human Orpheus to coerce nature and the gods of the underworld was an extraordinary message in traditional Greek religion.11 This image of human triumph helped make Orpheus founder and hero of the Orphic mysteries, a cultic practice noted for personal asceticism and accomplishment, 12 that demonstrated the immortality of the human soul.
Worship, to one who does not accept its bases in belief, is apt to seem more like a cultic practice nurtured in mythology than a life - renewing force.
The prophet's expressed impatience with or even intolerance of the cultus is seen now as castigation not of cult qua cult, not of cultic practice per se, but of the cultus in its present guise.
In Asian lands, however, polytheism is encountered not as literary mythology, but as genuine religious belief and as living cultic practice.
Ancient cultic practice and belief are still mirrored here.

Not exact matches

Although it would be foolish to demarcate too rigidly cultic and other depictions of the emperor, as in some way all imperial ideology was pervaded by religious conceptualizations of the imperial figure, the emperor was more than the cult, and imperial ideology was embodied in other forms and practices, many of which still require extensive examination (for example, its significance in the ideological construction of gender in the empire, and particularly of the body, is only just becoming visible).
Rather, the condemnations must be seen in the light of ritual impurity - homosexuality is condemned because of its use in cultic worship practices, as found in Canaanite religions and then imitated in ancient Israel.
Volf joins a widening cadre of Christian theologians who seek to anchor the nature and mission of the local church in trinitarian thought rather than the shifting sands of cultural practices or the muddy bottoms of tired cultic traditions.
Though they don't say it, I imagine the authors are against Christmas and Easter as well, since both of these holidays are steeped in pagan cultic worship practices.
Observing the practice of a cultic group, the outsider may be inclined to compare the «control» exercised by a religious leader to that in political or economic organizations without realizing that obedience may in each case be very differently motivated, and that it hence may not be really the same thing.
The sociologist of religion, interested in the study of a cultic group, can not be satisfied with reviewing its theology as the foundation of the theory and practice of fellowship among its members.
«Cultic worship» is a practice performed by a person empowered by the deity to serve as intermediary between human beings and divine powers by presiding over an esoteric ritual (usually a sacrifice) which evokes an appearance of divine power for the benefit of the worshiper.
One really must say that there is no religious concept, no dogmatic teaching, no ethical demand, no churchly institution, no cultic form and practice of piety in Christianity which does not have diverse parallels in the non-Christian religions.
[** hostile - aggressive parenting, enmeshment, intrusive parenting, intractable hostilities, high conflict, etc.] The recent rise of lucrative PAS therapies, including Warshak's Bridges program, residential camps, court - ordered custody - switches based on Gardner's threat therapy ideas, various reunification therapies (for which there are no adequately researched protocols), and other ad - hoc money - making practices of many psychologists who for a fee profess to offer services that will engineer affectionate relationships between estranged parents and non-compliant children, veer uncomfortably close at times in theory and some of their practices to the dangerous, cultic and discredited «attachment» therapies of decades past, i.e. in many cases, they are child abuse.
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