Sentences with phrase «cultic worship»

To begin with, as James Hopewell pointed out, -LSB-[9] worship «in Jesus» name» must not be understood as cultic worship in the strict sense.
«Cultic worship» is a practice performed by a person empowered by the deity to serve as intermediary between human beings and divine powers by presiding over an esoteric ritual (usually a sacrifice) which evokes an appearance of divine power for the benefit of the worshiper.
The great «I,» who was bound by no form and hence by no place, was progressively understood to be fully independent of his people and their cultic worship.
Though they don't say it, I imagine the authors are against Christmas and Easter as well, since both of these holidays are steeped in pagan cultic worship practices.
Where this tendency claims support from the New Testament this is justified only in so far as the difference between the cultic worship of God in a temple as a «sacred»
Rather, the condemnations must be seen in the light of ritual impurity - homosexuality is condemned because of its use in cultic worship practices, as found in Canaanite religions and then imitated in ancient Israel.

Not exact matches

The pagan Canaanite religious worship of the people of Sodom included the cultic, religious, se.xual activity which was forbidden by God in Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13 and Deuteronomy 23:17 - 18.
There is a version in Exodus Thirty - four, which is basically from the Yahwist document and which is almost totally cultic and not ethical, having to do with worship forms, not behavior.
If it is primarily applied to the first element, it is a positive, but not an exclusive statement, since the saving power and importance of the redemptive work of Christ (as the worship of God and the sanctification of man) affect man not only through their cultic presentation in the liturgy.
Rather, the apprehension of the supreme «I» was such that certain cultic practices and taboos associated with his worship appeared altogether irrelevant.
Most religious groups expect the arts to contribute their share to the cultic expression of religious experience, but in some communities the arts are frowned upon and excluded from all forms of worship.
But Rabshakeh is acquainted with the reforms of Hezekiah.4 Hezekiah has removed holy things, the Canaanite deities, the brazen serpent which had become an object of worship, the more or less pagan cultic sites.
Furthermore, such worship tends to have a cultic quality — it is a social action, in which the particular race or tribe makes its act of adoration.
Worship, to one who does not accept its bases in belief, is apt to seem more like a cultic practice nurtured in mythology than a life - renewing force.
Hellenistic was, for example, in Bultmann, the notion of the cosmos, the mystical worship of the gods and cultic piety.
It will be recalled that in describing the nature of worship, in its most general sense, we found that there were five elements which form the action of the believer in his cultic approach to deity: Adoration, or praise; thanksgiving; acknowledgement of failure or sin; prayer for others; prayer for oneself.
Worship of God in Jesus» name is not cultic in this sense precisely because, as response to God's presence, definitively in the life, death, and resurrection appearances of Jesus, it does not seek to evoke God's presence but to celebrate it as an already given gift.
Perhaps the reminder is again in order that Israel's interest in the original «event» rests predominantly in its present and continuing meaning that the form of the narrative before us is unquestionably cultically conditioned, that is, shaped by the influences of cultic circles at centers of worship in which, the tradition was maintained; and that this cultic tradition returns an image of Moses formed out of long years of meditation on the total significance of his life and time through the succeeding generations of Israel's life.
He did not specifically cite the congregation as the locus of the worshipping Christian community, nor was he sanguine about the long continuation of any institutional form of the church, but his acuity in aligning the essential faith of Christianity with its cultic expression in specific communities provides an explanation for the present strength of the local church.
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