Sentences with phrase «cultivar because»

In that year García released «New Mexico No. 9», historically the most important chile cultivar because it was the first developed at New Mexico A&M and because it introduced a new pod type called New Mexico.13 García had begun selecting for what would become the New Mexico pod by improving chiles grown locally in the Las Cruces area.

Not exact matches

Each of these plants falls under the genus Allium; the actual progenitor of onions is difficult to identify because its cultivars are sterile.
This cultivar was important historically, not only because it was the first chile cultivar released from NMSU, but also because it introduced a new pod type --» New Mexican» — to the world.
The word mirasol in Spanish means looking at the sun, and this cultivar is called mirasol because the fruit are erect and point to the sun.
NuMex R Naky is used as a paprika cultivar in New Mexico because of its undetectable or low heat level.
«NuMex R Naky» is used as a paprika cultivar in New Mexico because of its low heat level.
Seed produced by seed companies is generally more reliable than home grown seed because the companies try to safeguard the genetic purity of the cultivar.
So, it is not actually a true rice because it is not related to the various Oryza species and cultivars.
«The potential for soybean yield productivity in the U.S. has not been fully explored, in part because of the lack of semideterminate cultivars,» he said.
Researchers do not yet have a full picture of the susceptibility of these varieties, but many cultivars are likely to be resistant to Foc - TR4 because they are biologically different to the Cavendish.
But because of the Chinese government's concern about foreign control of China's seed industry, Pray says, officials have allowed the company to commercialize only one hybrid cultivar.
Because pumpkin hybrid cultivars usually maintain at least some characteristics of their heirloom parents, most colored pumpkins» flesh shows some degree of orange and is also high in antioxidants, like vitamin A, as well as in other nutrients, such as potassium, vitamin C, zinc, and dietary fiber.
Because many of the vineyards in the Santa Rita Hills AVA have been planted only in the last 20 years, they use modern trellising and clones — or cultivars — of certain premier wine grapes.
Second, because many cultivars are too soft for commercial shipping.
And third, because the unripe fruits of some cultivars are astringent.
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