Sentences with phrase «cultural attitudes which»

It attempts to show the following in schematic form: column A, three cultural attitudes which are prominent in our «configuration» and in the personality patterns of the parents of the alcoholics; column B, the effect that these cultural attitudes have on the parents; column C, the way in which these effects tend to deprive the child of the satisfaction of certain vital needs; column D, the relationship between this deprivation of satisfaction and the psychological characteristics which are typical of alcoholics.
A major concern in primary prevention is for the social and cultural attitudes which determine behavior.

Not exact matches

Some other countries, such as Germany and France, opted to administer a questionnaire on students» cultural attitudes and interest in global news, but not the «cognitive test,» which asks students to spot fake news.
Although part of this is simply entertainment, one wonders the extent to which this brutal honesty and schadenfreude reflect cultural attitudes.
Nehru used to say that he preferred the cultural attitude related to the spirit of Paganism which allowed many gods including an unknown god to coexist; it reinforces democratic tradition.
In answer to the criticism that WCC is syncretistic because of its program for inter-religious dialogue, Thomas said that if the word syncretism denotes all processes of interpenetration between cultures and religions, the only answer to a wrong syncretism, which means the uncritical, superficial, normless mixing of basically incompatible religious concepts and cultural attitudes, is a Christ - centered syncretism which grapples with and evaluates all concepts and attitudes critically in the light of Jesus Christ and converts them into vehicles for communicating the truth of the Gospel and for expressing its meaning for life.
(3) We have observed that physiological changes as well as cultural attitudes toward alcoholism (which regard it as a question of willpower rather than a sickness) probably contribute to the perpetuation of the addiction once it is established.
[16] This heritage, which many Indian - Christian theologians have too often accepted uncritically, accepting the broad brush - strokes, without going into the nitty - gritty details, needs to be re-examined and re-evaluated so that the meaning of several concepts which such a heritage has spawned and which is reflected, often unconsciously, in the present attitudes of Indian - Christians, can be liberated «from the socio - cultural, philosophical and historical contexts in which they have been deified, and make their theological insights reincarnate in the life and concerns of the people.
They point to other destructive aspects of television that have been stressed by television researchers and theorists; the privatization of experience at the expense of family and social interaction and rela - tionships; (33) the promotion of fear as the appropriate attitude to life: (34) television's cultural levelling effects which blur local, regional, and national differences and impose a distorted and primarily free - enterprise, competitive and capitalistic picture of events and their significance; (35) television's suppression of social dialogue; (36) its distorted and exploitative presentation of certain social groups: (37) the increasing alienation felt by most viewers in relation to this central means of social communication; (38) and its negative effects on the development of the full range of human potential.
[1 - 9] As a 2013 research paper [7] and a number of other recent studies [12 - 15] show, education alone (or at least that which focuses on educating athletes about the signs and symptoms of concussion and not changing attitudes about reporting behavior) does not appear capable of solving the problem, because the reasons for under - reporting are largely cultural, [2,3,9,10, 12 - 15] leading the paper's author to conclude that «other approaches might be needed to identify injured athletes.»
They include issues about the importance of breastfeeding and about women in the workplace; issues, which we had all hoped would become legacy issues, about prejudice and discrimination; and important issues about geographic variation and inequality, including the importance of cultural leadership in changing attitudes.
Cultural factors need to be addressed, which is where the power of the brelfie and social media campaigns can — and do — have a really positive effect in shifting attitudes and encouraging activism on the issue.
Researchers at the school's Tobacco Center of Regulatory Science (TCORS) assessed cultural worldviews along two dimensions: hierarchy - egalitarianism (attitudes toward authority and power) and individualism - communitarianism (focus on self - reliance or responsibility to a larger group) of more than 5,000 people who reported an awareness of electronic nicotine devices (ENDS), which include e-cigarettes.
Their cultural attitudes and beliefs regarding elephants have traditionally limited the exploitation of elephants in terms of deliberate poaching for ivory or meat, but they do experience direct conflict with elephants, for example, at watering holes and during chance encounters in the bush, which sometime can be deadly [25], [26].
Right now I'm reading the classic, «What to Expect When You're Expecting,» but the pregnancy book that's been most useful in this new culture in which my hubby and I find ourselves was written by an American and is called «French Kids Don't Throw Food» — a very interesting cultural examination of the differences between French and North American attitudes towards having a baby and child - raising.
Ultimately, Wax says, «proponents of income integration must deal with the cognitive dissonance created by the model's foundational premise, which is that disadvantaged students» habits and attitudes are deficient and will be improved by immersion in a superior environment, [versus] discomfort with the idea of class - based cultural differences.»
Yes, America's schools are often outscored by other nations on international exams, but to what extent do those comparisons measure schools and to what extent are they reflections of cultural attitudes over which schools have little control?
Regardless of which category describes your school, we as educators must find a way to address attitudes toward race, poverty and cultural relevancy.
But unlike scenarios in which men protect women, these less - common instances in which men must protect or rescue other men don't represent a significant pattern and don't reinforce pre-existing cultural attitudes about men, women and gender.
The anniversary of decriminalisation of sex between men in 1967 was an anniversary with more edge — although mainstream cultural attitudes have changed hugely in this respect and it's been amazing the scale on which the anniversary's been marked in Britain.
oung London 2013 is the third in V22's series of annual exhibitions which present a snapshot of emerging cultural and artistic attitudes and trends in London as perceived by a new generation of young artists.
Feminists critical of the sex industry generally see it as the exploitative result of patriarchal social structures which reinforce sexual and cultural attitudes complicit in rape and sexual harassment.
Young London 2013 is the third in V22's series of annual exhibitions which present a snapshot of emerging cultural and artistic attitudes and trends in London as perceived by a new generation of young artists.
Nobody, but nobody, could cop attitude like Clyfford Still (1904 — 80): «I held it imperative to evolve an instrument of thought which would aid in cutting through all cultural opiates, past and present, so that a direct, immediate, and truly free vision could be achieved.»
In contemporary Russia in which the official political and cultural attitudes become increasingly conservative, a new generation of Russian artists continue the tradition of the Russian artistic and political Left: desire to change the reality by means of art, ideals of equality and social justice, radical Utopianism, secularism and internationalism.
These figures which spring from the artist's imagination and are stripped of cultural and historical orientation and rely on pose and facial expression to convey attitude and meaning.
They've been raised with a particular set of cultural attitudes, which have been reinforced by advertising & mass media, and don't have experience of living outside this box, or of how much more comfortable (IMHO, anyway) it can be.
It's not so much the absolute amount of energy, but the cultural attitudes revealed: that it's OK to throw away energy on something that not only provides no discernable benefit most of the time (except as an enhancement to the ego of the homeowner), but which is (as you mentioned) an annoyance to those neighbors who'd rather enjoy the night for its darkness.
We confess also the attitude of cultural superiority which has undergirded all these actions and attitudes.
The Cultural and Linguistic Competence Self - Assessment Checklist for Early Head Start and Head Start Programs is a tool designed to assist program staff to explore the ways in which they individually display cultural and linguistic competence in their values, attitudes and communication styles when interacting with young children, their parents and family members, as well as theiCultural and Linguistic Competence Self - Assessment Checklist for Early Head Start and Head Start Programs is a tool designed to assist program staff to explore the ways in which they individually display cultural and linguistic competence in their values, attitudes and communication styles when interacting with young children, their parents and family members, as well as theicultural and linguistic competence in their values, attitudes and communication styles when interacting with young children, their parents and family members, as well as their peers.
This tool is designed to assist managers and administrators to assess the extent to which they demonstrate integration of cultural and linguistic competence into values, and attitudes, communication styles and the physical environment.
«Moral development is the process through which children develop proper attitudes and behaviors toward other people in society, based on social and cultural norms, rules, and laws,» according to...
These tools are designed to assist managers and administrators to assess the extent to which they demonstrate integration of cultural and linguistic competence into values, and attitudes, communication styles and the physical environment.
Because too many Realtors adopt a casual dress code, which thereby indicates their casual attitude toward the importance of their vocation, and finally, because newbies quickly fall prey to the old - school underlying «sell, sell, sell» cultural attitude that permeates the industry and they copy what they see being practiced by their less - than - professional peers whom are vastly outnumbered by the real professionals.
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