Sentences with phrase «cultural conventions»

When naming colors, people rely on cultural conventions.
Such masking of cultural convention as the nature of things - the naturalizing of social reality - is an act of ideology, undertaken for the sake of power relations.
Apart from not fitting in with the mainstream aesthetic i.e. tall, blonde, fit etc we also have to contend with traditional cultural conventions that don't see travel blogging as something worthwhile and potentially lucrative.
Ya I have seen cultural conventions that formed the basis of my religion, but I have dismissed them as being culturally irrelevant to how I express my faith.
At the same time, they are looking for a form of Christianity that does not violate middle - and upper - class cultural conventions of tolerance, gender equality and a therapeutic ethic of self - realization.
This, we have seen, is true of the Christian calendar and the millennium: they are simply cultural conventions, dependent on the Christian civilization that produced them.
Some educators harbor worrisome values: moral relativism, atheism, doubts about the superiority of democracy, undue deference to the «pluribus» at the expense of the «unum,» discomfort with patriotism, cynicism toward established cultural conventions and civic institutions.
The outlandish presentation of ideas using simplified or crude depictions, everyday materials, or riffs on cultural conventions helps infuse contemporary art with provocative, sometimes challenging, content.
Working often from a historical basis, Elana Katz's work confronts cultural conventions, critically examines the complexity that lies within contradictions, and thus aims to create an experience of unlearning the assumed.»
The «museum» set forth a sort of living biography of the artist (Gaba was actually married in the Wedding Room in 2000), as well as positing a biting critique of the power of Western cultural conventions.
Allison Smith is known for creating large - scale installations that critically engage popular forms of historical reenactment, along with crafts and other traditional cultural conventions, to redo, restage, and refigure historical memories.
This tendency to entertain new experiences, to explore the limits of cultural conventions, is fully displayed in The Night Porter, Beyond Good and Evil (1977), and The Berlin Affair (1985), as well as in Cavani's most recent theatrical feature, Ripley's Game (2002), a psychological drama adapted from Patricia Highsmith's celebrated Ripley series.
... lawyers» work on behalf of clients positively requires — both for its justification and its successful functioning for the benefit of those same clients in the long run — that lawyers also help maintain and refresh the public sphere, the infrastructure of law and cultural convention that constitutes the cement of society.
But how would you represent what it feels like to be beyond your own (or any) cultural conventions?
Paul expresses his slavery in the Lord both by renouncing any rights (exousia) he has and by sub-mitting himself to social and cultural conventions of those he hopes to win to Christ.
Since linguistic signs are matters of historical and cultural convention, when language presents itself as natural rather than drawing attention to its own arbitrariness, it may get granted unquestioned status as the expression of what is real and abiding.
She was decades ahead of her time in her determination to follow her own path, regardless of social and cultural conventions.
Becoming something of a cultural convention now, mega-rich publisher Rovio has an Angry Birds film in the works, a slew of plush toys and even obscure advertizing partnerships - luxury pistachio nuts; really?
My performance and video projects interrogate the cultural conventions that structure the relationship between subjectivity and power.
Assertively pushing against the safety of cultural conventions, Rhoades broke accepted rules of public nicety and expanded the frontiers of artistic opportunity through unbridled, brazenly «Maximalist» works.
Based on Trockel's sojourn in the area, this multimedia work focuses on the unique fashions, customs and cultural conventions of Bregenz.
Mike Kelley was fascinated by Middle America's many diverse and alternative subcultures, and through his work he became both a participant in and commentator on their cultural conventions and constructions.
Having often addressed questions of feminism and cultural convention, Paulina Olowska revisits the work of Zofia Stryjeńska — exploring the Polish artist's notion of ballet as a «wreath of ceremonies,» designing costumes after her 1918 painting series Bożki słowiańskie (Slavic Deities).
They portray people who, at least in the way the pose themselves, live at the center of cultural convention.
Sehgal's practice explores social processes, cultural conventions and the allocation of roles, reconsidering fundamental values of our social system while questioning definitions of materiality, authenticity and ownership.
Abstract Expressionism employs these three types; gestures are «indexical», some images are «iconic», in that they resemble their referent, and some are «symbols», related to their referent by cultural convention.
Endangered animals often end up as food for humans for reasons such as cultural convention, traditional medicine, economic need, or pure arrogance.
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