Sentences with phrase «cultural crisis»

In fact, the question of interpretation has always been a central issue in times of cultural crisis.
-- is evidence of an even broader cultural crisis.
Indeed, the traditional identity crisis of adolescence has turned into a broad - scale cultural crisis in which few within society recognize authorities higher than themselves.
At times, portions of the American religious community have offered inadequate, irresponsible, or even destructive responses to pressing cultural crises.
All this represents a turn to the imagination at a time of cultural crisis and conflict.
It is also an occasion, amid our fierce cultural crisis over the evils and benefits of humanism, to make a theological assessment of Cheever's unapologetically humanist vision.
• Publishers Weekly gives it a starred review: «This mostly dystopic, sometimes darkly humorous collection of 20 hard - hitting stories feels timely, confronting contemporary cultural crises such as racism, xenophobia, police brutality, barriers to health care access, and the social misuses of technology.»
We Protestants who signed ECT took this action to advance Christian fellowship, cooperation, and mutual trust among true Christians in the North American cultural crisis and in the worldwide task of evangelism.
Waugh fans have long indulged friendly arguments about the master's greatest work; a recent re-reading of The Sword of Honour Trilogy (Everyman's Library) persuaded me (again) that these three books easily stand with A Handful of Dust and Brideshead Revisited at the summit of Waugh's achievement, even as they brilliantly lay bare the European cultural crisis that was vastly accelerated by World War I.
As Whitehead observed, in times of profound cultural crisis the creative formulation of persuasive philosophic visions of great generality is a very practical pursuit (AI 16).
Whether we are Christians, agnostics or atheists, we are all involved in the present cultural crisis.
The existential plight of the Wine Mom — who seeks relief from the crushing weight of heteronormative capitalist patriarchy at the bottom of a chardonnay bottle — is a real cultural crisis.
A film unlike anything you've seen (or will see), Julie Dash's rapturous feature debut is set at a moment of wrenching cultural crisis, when the island - dwelling Gullah — former African slaves living off the coast of South Carolina — decide in August 1902 to head to the nearby American mainland and endure the pain of a second separation from their past.
The exhibition examined the landscape of AIDS in the U.S. during a crucial historical period — from its status as medical epidemic circa 1979 through its mutation into widespread cultural crisis by 1989.
The piece assembles 30 enlarged giclee prints from her forthcoming bookwork «Literary Terms Visually Discerned for the New World», using political meanderings and allusive gesture to reflect on cultural crises in America and abroad.
I think when the current cultural crises have had some time to die down, the Nones will be a fruitful mission field for evangelicals.
Our Lady of Guadalupe came among us as the Mother of the family of God in the Americas, and this witness should give us strength to stand up to the broad cultural crisis of the family today.
Roman Catholic theologian Mary Grey is less concerned with reforming a particular confessional tradition than with addressing a broader cultural crisis — that of global capitalism.
Today, the democratic experiment faces perhaps its gravest threat» a cultural crisis that is at its core a crisis of faith.
We are in the midst of a cultural crisis amongst ourselves, and the events in Ferguson have illustrated it.
Father Lombardi said Benedict XVI recalled «above all the cultural crisis of the West that exploded in «68, with the fascination for Marxism and the illusion of creating a new world, and the crumbling of the communist regimes in «89: the fall of the ideologies that did not give room to faith but rather to scepticism.
On Christmas, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad released a statement praising Jesus as «the messenger of humanism and grace» and noted, «I believe that the sole way to save the man from severe moral, social and cultural crises is returning to the exalted teachings of the great messengers of God.»
The conflicts are many and varied but there is a contemporary ring to them: irrational prejudices, ethnic tension, cultural crisis, social discrimination and economic domination were all present in all the conflicts of the time.
But now our cultural crisis is deeper.
The sources of the cultural crisis, it turns out, are theological.
New cultural building will begin only when more men and women recognize the religious nature of the cultural crisis.
It is not impossible that the cultural crisis of our day will issue in a world - revolution.
(The Jewish state of Israel and the Muslim states have not solved this problem either, nor have the forces of secular humanism proven any more adept at addressing the moral and cultural crisis of modern societies.)
For some time now, the cultural crisis besetting the United States has been taking ominous political and legal forms that threaten the exercise of religious freedom and that otherwise call into question the character of American democracy, as that character is expressed in law and public policy....
The answer to that cultural crisis can not be a retreat into auto - constructed bunkers.
For the deterioration of higher education throughout the United States in the past several generations has contributed mightily to our contemporary cultural crisis, and the cultural crisis, by depleting the nation's reserves of republican virtue, has in turn produced a political crisis in which constitutional democracy itself is now at risk.
Of course these statements express Catholic truth and they are welcome interventions in our cultural crisis, but, sadly, neither document grounds these points explicitly in reason.
Gilligan and her colleagues ask whether the extraordinary growth of the diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and increasingly serious violence among young boys may reflect a cultural crisis over the norms and values that have traditionally been associated with masculinity.
If we discover and reclaim this treasure, the church can become the answer to the current cultural crisis.
These materials bear testament to the themes and discussions that the New Museum has consistently pursued, from issues of gender and sexuality to the relationship between art and technology, as well as the mandates that have characterized its institutional practice: responsiveness to cultural crises, championing new forms of art making, and the belief in art as a social force.
Guest curator Christian Viveros - Fauné asked Otero to consider Motherwell and posed the larger question of abstract paintings» role and relevance during times of cultural crisis.
In light of earth's man made climate crisis, which is at its base a cultural crisis, people are seeing the value in living small.
It is, she suggests in an article for Australian Design Review, a sleight of hand that is used to mask the social and cultural crisis that the city has faced since the devastating earthquakes.
At the root of this cultural crisis is an «anthropocentric assumption» that human beings have been given dominion over the Earth.
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