Sentences with phrase «cultural dimension»

We're also designing itineraries to explore the unique cultural dimensions of some of the world's less - traveled places.
A focus on cultural dimensions and on peer attachment processes would be worthwhile to address relevant research questions: How do peer relationships progressively become mature attachment relationships?
The driving force of the programme is the involvement of youth as a major segment of the community, taking cultural dimensions into account, encouraging them to become thinkers and actors of development.
Open dialogue creates working relationships between two parties that ultimately share a similar goal: to enhance the learning experience of students as they explore cultural dimensions in their school curriculum.
In the one economy of creation and salvation, we would expect the Church as the full environing of man in his personal, social and cultural dimensions with the infallible authority of God.
In this way, supporting Church Revival 1.0 became an important cultural dimension of de-Sovietization, even while most of its advocates understood little about the Church they proposed reviving.
I tried to be punctual in posting but if you've been there you'll understand this: it is a country obsessed with food, layered in such rich cultural dimensions that summing up what they do is quite a challenge.
One influential way to describe cultural differences is Geert Hofstede's cultural dimensions theory.
And what better cultural dimension to showcase than America's unrivaled gifts to the world of music: jazz, blues, country, and rock»n' roll?
Pakistan is a developing country with diverse social, economic and cultural dimensions along with limited resources.
Finally, the Institute focuses on how the development of cognition can aid in the analysis and design of effective literacy, mathematics and science instruction, taking into account how the social and cultural dimensions influence learners and outcomes.
She presented a scholarly paper, «Culture and Corruption Correlations: Perceived Corruption in Countries Using Hofstede's and GLOBE Cultural Dimensions,» at the International Global Studies Conference in Brazil, July 2011.
CLPE are a nationally recognised provider of literacy courses and resources and much of their work has a distinctive cultural dimension.
A professional community that studies the interaction of biological, psychological, relational, and socio - cultural dimensions contributing to mental health and wellbeing;
To Be or Not to Be: The Selection Process Join Danielle Fox (SLATE Contemporary Gallery,) and Conrad Myers (Aggregate Space Gallery,) for a lively discussion on the topic of the social and cultural dimensions of contemporary curatorial practices and their implications for the artistic process.
Clearly, drinking experiences and expectations include a cultural dimension.
In Canada, human rights remain an embedded principle of Canadian law and governance, embracing both civil / political dimensions and economic / social / cultural dimensions of human rights as indispensable to the operation of our political and legal systems.
It looks like the Pope is bidding fair to become «the Pope of Caritapolis,» who sees the whole world — in all its cultural, political, and cultural dimensions — as to be best grasped within the long history of «The City of God» — the City of God's Caritas in this world.
It looks like the Pope is bidding fair to become «the Pope of Caritapolis,» who sees the whole world — in all its cultural, political, and cultural dimensions — as to be best grasped within the long history of «The City....
Liberals, for their part, are wrong to deny that poverty has an ethical and cultural dimension.
A dimension which has been missed in this ongoing debate, however, is the extent to which the medium through which the gospel is mediated adds a cultural dimension which also needs to be considered in discerning the nature of the gospel.
The Cultural Dimension As culture develops, so too will religion in order that it may answer more adequately the basic problems of human life and to further deepen the synthesis of scientific knowledge with religious knowledge - the principle of evolution is written into the nature of religion, as in all life.
America's public faith (a term I prefer to «civil religion») emerged precisely because denominationalism could be tolerated only if a creative relationship to the larger political and cultural dimensions of religious necessity were maintained.
In other words, there is nothing in the physical, biological and cultural dimensions of the universe where there is a fixed and determinate causality.
In the cultural dimension of life, liberation from the vicious circle of alienation means identity in the recognition of others.
Wherever one studies the production of novel togetherness — whether in the physical, the biological, or the cultural dimensions of the universe — one finds the becoming of patterned process.
Only in recent years has a broader understanding of the cultural dimension been incorporated into some of the social sciences (perhaps notably, sociology).
Anthropologist Clifford Geertz has proven another valuable source from which to draw insights about contemporary religion, especially its cultural dimension.
It would be a help — but is not essential — that a secretary of state for culture has some cultural dimension, but, you see, my old constituent Lord Hailsham would say that every politician worth his salt has to have a cultural dimension, because that's what politicians always had — some knowledge of the great literature, you know, Disraeli...
The second is a cultural dimension, drawing on issues such as EU membership, immigration, same - sex marriage and English Votes for English Laws.
One recent example is fusion cuisine, which combines How Culture Makes a Difference in Management: Applying Geert Hofstede's Cultural Dimensions to Management in Germany and China Abstract Culture has been
Cultural dimension: While six of the best - performing economies of the 2001 - 2010 decade are African (IMF / The Economist Report — 2011), and four African countries are among the top 10 economies recording the highest growth rates in 2013 («The World in 2013» report by The Economist), multinational companies prospecting in African markets often face cultural differences and find It difficult to operate with their local partners.
«Sexuality is a fundamental aspect of human life: it has physical, psychological, spiritual, social, economic, political and cultural dimensions
The framework points out that financial literacy also involves the development of «higher order skills in saving, spending, growing and giving money... [and engaging] in learning activities that examine the ethical, social, economic and cultural dimensions of money.»
She is particularly interested in understanding the socio - historical, political, and cultural dimensions that shape policies and impact learning.
To ensure a good outcome, pay attention to both the technical and the cultural dimensions of a community school.
It has a cultural dimension.
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