Sentences with phrase «cultural fit criteria»

Use the timeline to guide assessment of your cultural fit criteria.

Not exact matches

Cultural fit is admissions committees» biggest criterion, and the only way to get it right is to visit each campus in person, Hofmeister says, and focus on getting into the one «where you like the people.»
We're working on matching people according to 4 criteria: First, there has to be cultural fit between a person and a company.
Matchmaking (Individual help and advice of our experienced matchmaker, interviewing each lady that interests you and fits into your criteria, unlimited online consultations on dating tips, women's nature and behavior, cultural differences, getting advice on how to court and win your perfect Ukrainian woman's heart; Price: $ 300)
Include «cultural fit» as part of your decision - making criteria.
When they're sifting through candidates, employers weigh a number of criteria, like skills, experience and cultural fit.
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