Sentences with phrase «cultural forms of»

Previous works have looked to the contemporary media sphere and its relationship to the visceral body, the degenerative aspects of pervasive new technologies, to cultural forms of fanaticism and cults, to ideas of attraction and repulsion, body horror, the defamiliarisation of the human body and cartoon abjection.
This traditional oral form inspired the region's cinema at its origins, as well as other modern narrative genres, and intersects in their work with archival footage assembled to represent contemporary history and engender new cultural forms of post-colonialisation.
Kheirkhah's multi - disciplinary art practice and her specific focus on decentralising the generalising cultural forms of categorization, explores the representations of the so called «Middle Eastern» female identities through a practice which is generated by the interplay of history, politics, media and visual arts within contemporary Western visual culture.
Leeson added that her film will also include other issues related to private and cultural forms of censorship.
Video games are one of the most vibrant cultural forms of the 21st century — but they have an image problem.
All pictures, and all truth claims, arise in conjunction with our cultural practices and cultural forms of understanding, which collectively guide our actions.
Too often church feels foreign to those outside it because of cultural forms of worship.
If we have truly various cultural forms of faith, we need to also recognize that none of them is capable of expressing all the aspects and dimensions of faith.
It might be a good idea to recreate church around the current cultural forms of community.
The Son of God assumed the form of a servant to seek and save the lost and theology must do likewise, incarnating itself in the cultural forms of its time without ever losing its identity as Christian theology.
These conversions never happen outside of the people of God and the cultural forms of Christianity they inhabit.
The recent passing of the well - known Gospel singer Andraé Crouch offers an opportunity to reflect further on the way in which Christianity continues to shape culture through the creation of new cultural forms of music, art, etc..
In this light it can be seen that the formulaic «testimonies» of evangelical and fundamentalist Christianity, while they may appear to some communally minded theologians as a manifestation of individualism, are in fact almost the only remaining cultural form of the kind of storytelling Benjamin praises.
In fact, some Indian experts think Western or traditional churches trying to impose their cultural form of Christianity could disrupt church growth even more than Hindutva extremism.
It's as if Lanthimos and his cowriter, Efthymis Filippou, are engaging in a cultural form of name - dropping.
For Julia Stoschek, the art of moving images is her generation's primary cultural form of expression and she is keen to promote it, preserve it and subject it to scholarly study — covering the entire spectrum from classic data media to the latest web - based and digital technologies.

Not exact matches

Cultural organisation FORM will launch its inaugural Scribblers Festival on May 9 to boost the profile of literature and arts for children.
A strong majority of the respondents (80 %) say some form of protectionism is necessary for oil and gas producers, whereas only 53 % feel the cultural and media sectors should be protected.
But then again, so is demographics, water scarcity, technological change, creativity, policy choices, public sentiment, corruption, cultural differences, new forms of energy and a myriad of other factors, all interacting in unpredictable ways.
In December 2015, Jim and his siblings donated $ 407 million worth of Walmart shares to a newly formed trust that funds the Walton's philanthropy, which focuses on educational, cultural, community development, and social causes.
One of Lampshire's most valued tribes is xBBN, an online tribe comprised of former BBN employees where shared corporate cultural norms and experiences form the common bonds that enable members to help each other with both professional and personal challenges.
It had not occurred to me that anyone would imagine that the only alternative to a boundless confidence in reason's competency to extract moral truths from nature's evident forms, no matter what the prevailing cultural regime, is the belief that moral knowledge is the exclusive preserve of «revelation,» narrowly conceived as a body of inscrutable legislations irrupting into history from on high.
To have a politics of attention, they suggest, we need people who can attend to the concrete needs of families and neighborhoods, of schools, museums, and other forms of cultural life.
(This is one area in which the cultural narcissists studied in this book may differ from people with some forms of clinical narcissistic personality disorder.
It struck me that was there was something new going on in the combination of LaHaye's theology of cultural pessimism and his forming of a coalition for active cultural engagement.
He says «watch more TV,» as a way to highlight his case that the long - form series, such as with GIRLS, MAD MEN, BIG LOVE, and FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS, has risen to level where its quality and contemporary cultural importance has eclipsed that of cinema.
Ya I have seen cultural conventions that formed the basis of my religion, but I have dismissed them as being culturally irrelevant to how I express my faith.
Finally, Hailemariam's ascendancy might just be the final nail in the coffin of the historical paradigm that suggests Pentecostalism is too «other worldly» a form of Christianity to be engaged in political and cultural life; that Pentecostal views of the end somehow lead to an escapist outlook of disengagement.
But the season of sewing is ending, and we need to separate that which is Christian from cultural forms taken over and reshaped for post-Christian purposes.
To argue that the first was indeed a form of the second is a distortion of social and cultural history.
Yes, some have drunk the diversity Kool - Aid and think evangelization a form of cultural imperialism, but for the most part Catholics are triumphalists.
The history of Italian unification» Italian fascism having more than a decade's existence as a special place in radicalism; the role of the papacy in severely constraining manifest forms of statist rule; the cultural tradition of Italian major cities, which had autonomous forms of city development; and the weaknesses of Italy with respect to economic concentrations of power in the early twentieth century» all argue against a muscular totalitarianism.
As a whole, the lands facing the Mediterranean came to form a true continent by virtue of their cultural ties, trade routes, and common political system.
The «Chicago school» has taken a variety of forms: socio - historical, radical empiricist, rationalist, and cultural.
We are not just talking about a convergence of disciplines, but of an authentically global synthesis in which the various forms of knowledge... find common ground in a shared personal and social vision... We must not imagine that the socio - cultural challenge of today can be met with theological thought that specialises in the content of doctrine or concentrates on religious experience.
It will renew us all through the new forms of cultural life it is already creating.
Great literature, then, forms a most important part of the cultural heritage of any age.
Finally, the embodied reason of man's shared cultural forms bears the mark of the free creative determinations of the self - conscious human spirit.
Pentecostalism is a form of populism that thrives in folk cultures, seeking to transform cultural life from the bottom.
It was out of this ethos that new cultural forms were created and Pentecostalism contributed to blues, jazz, and early rock.
In short, technologies are becoming religious symbols and are in the process of destroying the cultural and anthropological balance between energy and form, spirit and structure.
The speakers had a variety of views, but the consensus on the panel was that an alliance is indeed forming on social and cultural issues, specifically gender and sexuality, and that this alliance will have a serious influence on domestic and global politics.
Among the cultural forms studied by the anthropologist are ones that explicitly embody spiritual meanings, including the beliefs, practices, and institutions of religion, some forms of which appear in every known culture.
Nevertheless, in an age when distinctive folk cultural forms like hip hop are going mainstream into popular culture, Pentecostalism has a certain kind of appeal.
Rather, what Crouch did was to continue the tradition of creating new cultural forms from within the folk culture he inhabited and taking such artifacts into a broader public space.
By exploring the early Rock scene in Memphis, the home of the Church of God in Christ, one can see how people like Elvis Presley and Jerry Lee Lewis brought those cultural forms together.
By restricting the activities of foreign organizations and what are seen as non-Russian forms of religious belief, the Russian government has consolidated its religious support and made an intentional (and enforceable) display of Russian cultural unity in the face of the external pressures of consumerism, individualism, and secularism.
It rises above those forms of music which are associated only with localised cultural experience, and it operates separately from styles which are associated with high, artistic, classical derivation and aspiration.
It is notorious that the ineradicable ideas left in Descartes's mind after he had doubted everything were products of the philosophical and theological work, or more broadly of the cultural matrix, that had formed his mind.
For the tradition to which Plato had been heir, paideia was as essential to the well - being of the public realm as of the political realm, by forming virtuous citizens capable of filling political roles wisely; for fourth - century Greek - speaking Christians paideia, while it aimed to shape persons» private interiority rather than their public political activity, contributed to the well - being of the public realm as a cultural realm accessible to any literate, educated person, Christian or pagan.
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