Sentences with phrase «cultural heritage protection»

We collect printed material relating to all topics about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander studies including languages, culture and society, family history and biography, visual arts, creative arts, performing arts, songs and music, history, health, education, land rights, native title, business and economics, media, film and communications, environment, cultural heritage protection, sport, government policy, law and justice and Australian parliamentary reports.
establish appropriate cultural heritage protection to the standards required by Traditional Owners and custodians
In 2000 Indigenous people rejected the Queensland Government's proposed Indigenous cultural heritage protection legislation.
[110] It is understood that the Government has proposed a further review of Queensland's cultural heritage protection legislation.
The Principles address issues such as recognition and respect, Indigenous involvement in environmental management, cultural heritage protection, and the need for developers to respect the integrity of Indigenous decision making processes.
The principles address issues such as recognition and respect, Indigenous involvement in environmental management, cultural heritage protection, and the need for developers to respect the integrity of Indigenous decision making processes.
Further, agreements often deliver little in terms of cultural heritage protection or environmental management beyond what is already available under general legislation, and often require traditional owners to surrender their native title rights and interests.
However, due to the ownership of water vested with the Crown, Indigenous peoples» engagement in cultural heritage protection of water places, has been a further point of negotiation and compromise.
Some firms which adopt this approach may conduct programs or activities which relate to Indigenous peoples but these either are required for performance of specific legislative obligations (cultural heritage protection) or are justified on commercial grounds (employment of local Aboriginal people).
- acting as a deterrent to states and territories ignoring their responsibilities under their own cultural heritage protection schemes.
Some of the legislation that determines our rights to land and cultural heritage protection in different states and territories is listed in Text Box 2.11.
It covers matters such as native title, land ownership and acquisition, natural resource management and cultural heritage protection.
The maps can also be used as a basis for cultural heritage protection and management, and help monitor the impacts of The Living Murray.
Italian cultural heritage taskforce recovers some 900 works lost in Amatrice earthquake Italy's Comando Tutela Patrimonio Culturale (cultural heritage protection taskforce) reports that it has recovered around 900 works of art that were believed lost in the wake of a devastating earthquake that shook the Amatrice region earlier this year.

Not exact matches

The results suggest that there should be: improvements to policy and management to champion biodiversity issues; a strengthening of environmental laws and enforcement; recognition of socio - economic issues especially among indigenous and local communities; increases in funding and resource allocation; knowledge, research and development to inform decision making; a greater understanding and protection of the rights of nature and cultural heritage; a more holistic public awareness and participation to bring about change to promote conservation.
The massive destruction of cultural heritage during the Second World War prompted the adoption of the Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict in 1954 at The Hague in the Nethcultural heritage during the Second World War prompted the adoption of the Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict in 1954 at The Hague in the NethCultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict in 1954 at The Hague in the Netherlands.
The country has considerable natural resources in forests, water resources, and minerals and these are significant for cultural heritage, environment protection, and economic development.
Moreover, Mexico's cultural heritage institutions lead the world in preservation and protection of their material culture.
Long - term access and protection of our cultural heritage represent an important mission of the library community.
NANORESTART will develop nano - materials to support the long term protection and continued access to modern and contemporary cultural heritage
Depending upon your cultural heritage, religious beliefs, or political persuasion, it can denote fertility, transformation, protection, wisdom, eternity, healing, anti-government resistance, racism, treachery or original sin.
Even seemingly remote rural areas have electricity, and the protection of cultural and natural heritage is clearly a high national priority.
Meanwhile, cultural heritage continues to be endangered by the lack of legal protection, says Alexander.
Hyderabad About Blog We are a premier organization for archaeological research and protection of the cultural heritage of Telangana state.
The parties acknowledge that there exist on Cape York Peninsula areas of significant conservation and heritage value encompassing environmental, historical and cultural features, the protection of which is the responsibility of State and Federal governments in conjunction with the parties.
These agreements may also include issues about use and development on their lands, economic and employment outcomes and other outcomes such as the protection of cultural heritage.
[28] While native title, cultural heritage and environmental laws provide some recognition and protection, it is currently insufficient.
You can understand why I believe it inaccurate to state «expedited mechanisms exist... for the protection of cultural heritage sites».
(b) The second aspect is the statement «expedited mechanisms exist under the Native Title Act for the protection of cultural heritage sites, but some indigenous organisations advocate against their use» (pp69 - 70).
This includes provisions relating to liability for damage or destruction of Indigenous cultural heritage which must also be consistent with that applied to the protection of non-Indigenous cultural heritage.
[85] While this strategy has not yet been finalised, the Indigenous Economic Development Strategy must be developed to enable economic development for as many Indigenous groups as possible, and be linked to streamlining and improving Indigenous rights under legislative arrangements such as native title and land rights, cultural heritage and under various environment protection and conservation legislation, carbon sequestration and climate change, industry development regulation [86], and water legislation.
In Australia, there are a number of national and regional (State Government) arrangements that attempt to address the lack of protection domestically, including cultural heritage legislation.
Agreement making provides opportunity for further protection of culture by: heritage protocols; support for group initiatives to strengthen culture; MoU's promoting traditional owner engagement with broader community and; cross cultural workshops for government and companies.
Expedited mechanisms exist under the Native Title Act for [deleted: the protection of cultural heritage sites] «fast - tracking» mineral tenements that are considered to be «low - impact», but some indigenous organisations advocate against their use in order to protect native title rights.
The Indigenous Nations of the Murray - Darling River Basin possess distinct cultural and customary rights and responsibilities including: a spiritual connection to the lands, waters and natural resources of the Basin; management of significant sites located along the river banks, on the river beds, and sites and stories associated with the water and natural resources located in the rivers and their tributaries; protection of Indigenous cultural heritage and knowledge; accessing cultural activities such as hunting and fishing, and ceremony.
cultural and other aspirations and priorities of native title parties, such as the protections and rights of decision - making in respect of cultural heritage;
protection of traditional knowledge, cultural heritage and expressions and intellectual property
In addition, the amendments to the NTA have significantly reduced the protection available to Indigenous heritage and the right of native title holders to participate in decisions about protecting their cultural heritage.
Cultural heritage legislation will ensure the protection of Indigenous cultural rights in an ongoing sense, meaning that it will be applicable to future activities on lands with Indigenous inCultural heritage legislation will ensure the protection of Indigenous cultural rights in an ongoing sense, meaning that it will be applicable to future activities on lands with Indigenous incultural rights in an ongoing sense, meaning that it will be applicable to future activities on lands with Indigenous interests.
They take the form either of regional agreements and legislation ensuring the protection and management of Aboriginal lands or Commonwealth and State and Territory laws on property and the cultural heritage.
The agreement sets out an Aboriginal heritage protection protocol that requires developers to notify the Narungga Nations Aboriginal Corporation of when and where they plan to develop infrastructure so that the Narungga people can take steps to protect their cultural heritage sites.
And while native title, cultural heritage and environmental laws provide some recognition and protection, it is not sufficient.
Cultural heritage laws offer a further avenue for protection.
recognition and protection of existing rights and interests held by Indigenous peoples, including native title and cultural heritage rights
protection of Indigenous cultural heritage and knowledge associated with water and water places
The Indigenous peoples of the Archer, Lockhart and Stewart River Basins possess distinct cultural and customary rights and responsibilities including: a spiritual connection to the lands, waters and natural resources of the rivers; management of significant sites located along the river banks, on and in the river beds, and sites and stories associated with the water and natural resources located in the rivers and their tributaries; protection of Indigenous cultural heritage and knowledge; accessing cultural activities such as hunting and fishing, and ceremony.
The Queensland Government recognises that current Queensland legislation does not provide effectively for the appropriate protection of Indigenous cultural heritage, and does not provide a workable process for the consideration and management of areas, places and items of cultural heritage value in the context of land use.
(a) Align the Water Act 2007 with federal and state legislation, particularly those relating to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander land rights, cultural heritage, environmental protection, the Native Title Act 1993, and climate change legislation when it is drafted.
legislative reforms to strengthen heritage protection legislation and protect indigenous rights to cultural property;
Aboriginal cultural heritage is protected under the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Heritage Protection Act 1984 (Cth) and, specific to the current case study, the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act 200cultural heritage is protected under the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Heritage Protection Act 1984 (Cth) and, specific to the current case study, the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act 200Cultural Heritage Act 2003 (Qld).
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