Sentences with phrase «cultural level»

The communication and information process that is dominated by the powerful creates violent conflicts on the social psychological level as well as on cultural levels.
The adequate cultural level of single Russian women gives men the opportunity to be really happy with them.
But to have your trauma and pain recognized and supported on a larger cultural level.
In another context I have pointed out that the degree of differentiation of functions in the religious group does not necessarily depend upon the general cultural level.
Working effectively with LGBTQ clients and family systems requires a re-examination of heterosexually - centric assumptions and a commitment to a re-examination of these assumptions at the personal, professional, societal, and cultural levels in which we relate to one another.
The real hurdle I see is that our way of life is not structured around, or even friendly to, ensuring that under - served populations get their fair share; a plan that incorporates that element so strongly is likely to meet with resistance at a deeply cultural level.
Lastly, the team examined the connection between character and swearing on a larger, cultural level by comparing the 2012 Integrity Analyses of 48 U.S. states from the Center for Public Integrity, which measured the level of transparency and accountability of local governments, to how frequently residents of that state swore in their Facebook posts.
But little suggests that this interest surpasses the purely horizontal cultural level.
There are so many ways in which this movie qualifies as like nothing we've ever seen before in the genre (and outside it, too), all of which are functions of the widening of perspective it represents, but this is a really important one: it ponders questions of responsibility on a collective cultural level, not just an individual one.
Local rural and urban communities, small enough for all members to take part in face - to - face decision - making, as the fundamental unit of governance, linked with each other at bioregional, ecoregional and cultural levels into landscape / seascape institutions that are answerable to these basic units.
The Institut itself is a beautiful building, opening up inside to offer a stylishly classical interior space, a lovely wide staircase leading one to a significant cultural level above, where the Cine Lumiere and Librairie is situated.
Mining the familiar visual culture of the American middle class, he neither lampoons nor elevates his subject matter, instead enacting a subtle cultural leveling.
If I'm impassioned about anything, it's the healing power of narrative, both on individual and larger cultural levels.
If so, then our culture being inventive implies we're needy — «a highly toxic mindset» — on a cultural level.
A third barrier that blocks the flow of meaning is the differences between people with respect to age, sex, education, cultural level, etc..
The challenge at the cultural level may be too great, and Americans may be undergoing a profound change in the way they relate their society to the realm of ultimate meaning.
Today, he sees a world that suffers from the same addictions on a cultural level.
What eclecticism and cultural levelling have in common is the separation of culture from human nature.
And part of that dismantling process is the persistent bullying by supposed journalists of anyone who seeks to raise these questions at a political or cultural level.
The cultural level is generally higher, but culture is not Christianity.
This is the same prince of the Church who has called for the arrest of asylum - seeking dissidents in his churches, and in April of 2012, at Harvard University, ridiculed these persecuted Cubans as «former delinquents» and «people with psychological disturbances» who lacked «any cultural level
On the political level the most important change in the Communist world is the split between Russia and China, but perhaps on the cultural level the fact of Poland has greater significance.
Secondly, the opposite danger exists, that of cultural leveling... In this way one loses sight of the profound significance of the culture of different nations, of the traditions of the various peoples, by which the individual defines himself in relation to life's fundamental questions.
What powers, one wonders, more potent than myths could enforce constraints at the cultural level?
Whether this need will eventually result in a reintegration on a cultural level I do not know, and I am not overly optimistic about that possibility.
On a cultural level, GA arises from the control of the global information and communication networks by Western media corporations; and the spread of modern technologies of a consumerist culture, and Western cultural expressions as the global culture.
Differences in age, sex, education, cultural level, etc.; 4.
The dominant western political power, especially the U.S., with its pervasive network of information industries, wire services, satellite communications and so on, interlocks with the Asian national communications media and subverts these on political, economic and cultural levels, producing a powerful impact upon the peoples of Asia.
This kind of emphasis, plus the felt necessity to adapt to the cultural level of the people addressed, meant that the traditional «plain style» which educated preachers of all ages had consciously striven for was in America always in eminent danger of being leveled into plain vulgarity — as witness the succession of revivalists from Buchard and Finney to Billy Sunday.
The importance of conflict resolution and not letting insignificant things get under your skin is preached at a cultural level, but is more so a box to check for both employer and employee (or parent to child).
(That is, at least 20 meters of cultural levels and the ruins of several palaces, all from the early Bronze Age, underlie the present excavation.)
We have capabilities for rapidly evolving at a cultural level or developing cultural practices or beliefs or behaviors that other animals aren't capable of.
However dating with a rich partner might be very dangerous and hard to keep away from any kind of drama, especially if you both are coming from different «cultural levels».
While this film certainly does break some new ground from a cultural level, this entertaining action flick also feels a little too big for itself at other times because as well done as the narrative and storytelling aspects of this film are executed, occasionally the action sequences don't...
For me, it was exciting on a movie - going and cultural level.
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