Sentences with phrase «cultural patterns of»

: How Albertans Think About Child Mental Health This report compares the cultural patterns of understanding that Americans and Albertans apply in making sense of the issue of child mental health.
Dinner talk: Cultural patterns of sociability and socialization in family discourse.
Although multigenerational households are culturally acceptable in black communities24 and are often beneficial to mothers and their children, 25 tensions are common as mothers and grandmothers struggle to define their roles in caregiving activities, such as feeding.24, 26 — 29 Grandmothers play important roles in infant feeding decisions, particularly related to the early introduction of complementary foods.21 Thus, interventions aimed at shifting cultural patterns of early complementary feeding have to go beyond the provision of information regarding the type and timing of complementary foods for infants, as proposed by the AAP, WIC, and WHO guidelines.
In her new book «Kimlikli Bedenler» (Bodies with Identity), Ahu Antmen investigates the cultural patterns of body around identity, through various works of art, made at separate periods in time.
A framework that focused on the cultural patterns of the students» lives was used to help guide the planning process.
to modify the social and cultural patterns of conduct of men and women, with a view to achieving the elimination of prejudices and customary and all other practices which are based on the idea of the inferiority or superiority of either of the sexes or on stereotyped roles for men and women.»
to modify discriminatory social and cultural patterns of behavior as well as derogatory.
The reasons can be early pubertal development, poverty, sexual abuse in childhood, lack of parent's attention, lack of career goals, family and cultural patterns of early sex, substance abuse, dropping out from school and poor school performance.
Mead, M. and Newton, N. Cultural Patterns of Perinatal Behaviour in Childbearing: Its Social and Psychological Aspects.
Even the Byzantine empire, which spread the Christian faith, felt that women should be kept domesticated and married in their teens, among other cultural patterns of the time that appear oppressive to us today.
Piety is further structured by the policy it adopts regarding its relation to its host society: Will piety «resist the social and cultural patterns of its civilizational environment» or will it «recognize structures in the social and cultural environment with which it can work...?»
Because the ministry was identified frequently with a supposedly happier and purer past, because it had lent strong theological sanction to slavery and the cultural patterns of the pre-Civil War period, and because it remained one of the few intact professions after the War, it was held in high esteem in Southern eyes and its power was great.8
Many of the cultural patterns of the present day are due to this great governor whose name is still revered by the people of Yunnan.
Russia is facing similar problems of spiritual order after it borrowed some of the social and cultural patterns of the Western world in the New Age period.
For example, traditionally, such designations as «marginalization,» «underdevelopment,» «disadvantaged» social groups, and so forth have referred to cultural patterns of those who are not members of the white majority social group.
This is what cultural patterns of thought have taught him to do.
Local populations became entrenched, eschewing intermarriage with other groups and adopting a cultural pattern of what researchers call endogamy, the practice of marrying only within an ethnic or social group.
These findings are consistent with a cultural pattern of self - criticism that has been noted in Asian countries (e.g., Holloway 2010; Lewis 1995).

Not exact matches

But as Temin and Vines show, history is much more usefully seen as the evolution of often complex institutions — financial, political, legal, cultural, and so on — through which economic behavior is mediated and which affect the ways in which recurring patterns of finance, commerce and trade unfold, and that without an understanding of history we lose so much complexity in our models that we often end up making very obvious mistakes.
In this article, Kass declares himself rather pessimistic about the prospects of rebuilding cultural patterns that have been undermined by dynamics so deep and pervasive.
Whereas in traditional societies this openness often amounted to somewhat uncritical acceptance of the dominant cultural patterns, today it can also mean incorporation of ranges of concern and action from the prophetic traditions of Israel.
Cultural patterns thus represent aspects of human nature that are not universal, but shared with a limited number of other persons.
Teachers, preachers, and others who devote themselves to the work of instruction can be saved needless frustration and disappointment if they bear in mind the weight of educational influences exerted by the culture as a whole, and if they take account of the prevailing cultural patterns as they plan their teaching.
In part, these are reflected in denominational divisions, but many of the differences are cultural or to do with church order or caused by political influence, or they reflect different temperaments and patterns of worship.
Yet the basic social and cultural patterns that today condemn men and women to death, in accordance with the wishes of 65 per cent of the American public, remain in some ways remarkably unchanged from ancient times.
However, if one chooses to regard it as a sin, it is well to remember that even the early drinking of the alcoholic is part of a total behavioral pattern which is strongly influenced by his damaged personality as well as by cultural pressures.
One of the most influential factors in cultural understanding and organisation is the communication patterns within that culture.
Driving back from our engagingly cacophonous evening at the bistro, I began to worry: Will we end up trying to inculturate the Gospel into cultural patterns that many» maybe even most» people in the Third World countries want to get out of as soon as they can?
Modes of religious experience are... shaped by cultural patterns.
I have in mind conditions such as those of health, economic provision, education, cultural richness, environmental integrity, and the general patterns of associational life itself.
These make people try to safeguard their culture in ghetto type relationships and structures, and / or to evolve new cultural mixes that may at first seem merely hybrid, but in the longer term could bring about new patterns of relationships.
A failure to explore how the activity of theological inquiry is located in and inescapably shaped by patterns of activity that are dictated by its social and cultural setting and, just as important, patterns that are dictated by institutional power arrangements, deprives theological inquiry of the means for its self - criticism and correction.
And noun groups like «religious experience,» «social change,» «conventional ways,» «cultural patterns» have become verbal counters that can no longer be redeemed for much in the way of hard meaning.
The modern sciences of genetics and ecology have clearly provided empirical grounds for rejecting these traditional race concepts and for recognizing the fundamental role of education in the creation of human personality — especially in respect to qualities that are so manifestly reflections of cultural patterns.
These characteristics include at least the following three kinds — physical features, psychological or personality traits, and cultural patterns — and they combine to make a racial stereotype, a standardized picture of the typical member of a particular racial group.
Scenes implicitly portrays this cultural pattern: the wide - scale personal withdrawal after the respective political optimisms of the «50s and «60s.
There are a number of Catholics (CINO's «cultural Catholics», «raised Catholic» whatever) for whom the faith is merely a comfortable pattern.
A «cultural» analogue for communication insists that communicative activity can not be abstracted from patterns of meaning - making in culture.
Whether drawing on civic liberalism, popular evangelicalism or simply pragmatic and ad hoc collections of cultural and programmatic elements, their response is the pattern many pundits have come to expect.
At the same time, he rejects those theories, «more or less tinged with behaviouristic psychology,» which assume» that human nature has no dynamism of its own and that psychological changes are to be understood in terms of the development of new «habits» as an adaptation to new cultural patterns
Inasmuch as the sociologist of religion is confronted with the necessity of accounting for apparently identical or similar patterns in religious behavior, ideas, and forms of organizations on different cultural levels, he is interested in a constructive solution of the apparent dilemma.
What they can do is to interpret it in the light of the present forces impinging on their lives so that the new pattern of life may be continuous with their cultural tradition.
These principles also indicate the standards to be used in sex education — the basic ideals to be inculcated by explicit instruction in homes and at appropriate levels in schools, and even more essentially by the complex of accepted acts built into social and cultural patterns.
To accept an interpretation of a text because it is new or distinct from dominant cultural patterns is a faulty hermeneutical procedure.
Without even recounting the crucifixion, Bell presented such vivid images of the patterns of sacrifice in the ancient Near East (the cultural setting for the sacrifice of Isaac) that by the time we got to the story of Jesus, our hearts and minds were connecting the dots.
He places rap squarely at the center of a hip - hop culture that reinforces patterns of ignorance and misogyny, and links it to larger cultural forces that debase the popular images of African - American men.
Lifeworld colonization theory credits secular cultural patterns (e.g., rational communication processes) with an active role in social change, but it minimizes the importance of religion.
Rather, the Paraiyars» religion points to an arena of ongoing contestation and transformation of dominant and, sometimes, oppressive cultural and social patterns that are founded on religious narratives (plots?).
The author reviews two books on the subject discussing the cultural patterns and problems of first and second generation Koreans, how they are different from other ethnic groups and the problems of assimilation into American culture.
Gabriele Schwab, in her analysis of this hermeneutical event in the bush, acknowledges that the elders «recreated their own cultural pattern within Shakespeare's plot» but concludes, «The Tiv people had to project their own cultural preconceptions in order to reduce the otherness that would have made Hamlet incomprehensible in their context.»
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