Sentences with phrase «cultural problem»

They talk about how to identify the right people, but they don't really spend any time talking about how to identify the causes of cultural problems within their organization.
But there are also cultural problems with any large company, or with any large tech implementation.
It's for this reason that ideas such as a guaranteed basic income will not solve the social and cultural problems caused by globalization and technological innovation.
This word inflation is a gigantic cultural problem, and its implications are enormous.
At the same time, each new generation produced great new systems that responded to the intellectual and cultural problems posed to faith.
It's that both the poverty and the bad school are the result of underlying cultural problems.
That's the dilemma so many Asian women face when they... a short - term solution to a wider cultural problem.
I have already pointed out that the most reasonable approach to this situation is solar lagrange point L1 occultation, since that solves a myriad of other severe cultural problems in science and technology while giving us the time to work out drawdown stuff.
Adamu said, «In the modern world of today, illiteracy remains a big social and cultural problem which can also hinder the economic development of the society.
According to Page Six, a family source said Jackson became aware of cultural problems between -LSB-...]
Both the philosophical and general cultural problem with realism arise when the first form, the presence of the objective harmony as a constitutive value, is denied or ignored.
Becoming Debt Free Is One Thing, Remaining So Is Another The issue with debt consolidation and management solutions is that while they can shine like beacons in a financial haze, they are often costly and short - sighted solutions to what has become a huge cultural problem.
Some respected professional journalists do not see these failings as the mere result of personal turpitude but rather as deep structural and cultural problems within the American system as it exists today.
Ursula Adams, director of employee engagement at United Way for Southeastern Michigan, says using the daily - engagement app Niko Niko — which tracks employees» mood data with its mobile «happiness meter» — has helped her avoid sinking money into fixing the wrong cultural problems.
If there is an long - term systemic cultural problem with internal controls, no matter what its cause, it is unfair to put it all at Alison Redford's door.
Every urban reform movement of the past 200 years — from England's Hygiene Acts to America's City Beautiful Movement to modern zoning laws to modernist architecture to the creation of public housing and the rise of environmentalism and historic preservation — has been a response to the social and cultural problems created by industrialism.
Passages which are theological and doctrinal in content are used to interpret those where the writer is dealing with practical local cultural problems.
One might object that these are cultural problems rather than theological ones.
Fair Work warns of cultural problems after Malaysian business owners exploit Malaysian workers with $ 10 / hour pay.
«This is a scandal that we think is not limited to just Officer Pantaleo [but rather] is a systematic cultural problem» at the police department, he said.
«This reflects what may be a growing cultural problem in the community as scientists tend to concentrate on appealing results, especially if they have limited resources, and the need to focus predominantly on projects that promise to increase their visibility,» Patat says.
Apart from learning all sorts of things to expand the mind and the imagination, I have also been forced to consider a major cultural problem that we have in Britain: while science students are supposed to be «well - rounded», arts students are not.
One big cultural problem, as Richter sees it, is «a cult of accountability that has grown in Washington.»
«I think a more important cultural problem, ironically, is reflected in this report: we Japanese need to have lengthy investigations to tell us exactly what we already know.
Riley, a former New York Post columnist who is a visiting fellow at the conservative American Enterprise Institute, sees an insidious cultural problem and a moral failure by parents.
There was a real cultural problem at the school, a lot of low expectations for the students, no consistency in terms of student behavior and interventions, and a lack of confidence in leadership.
«We must also seriously tackle the persistent cultural problem of pigeon - holing boys and girls into certain subjects and career paths.
Now that women are making inroads on the political front in Kenya, WFC hopes to tackle some long - ingrained cultural problems.
When I look at the biggest economic problems facing the world today, many of them stem from deeper cultural problems.
The gendered violence epidemic is a deep - seated cultural problem present in the homes, communities and workplaces of many millions of women all over the world.
Rebecca Solnit wrote that «environmental problems are really cultural problems
You might run into cultural problems that impede effective communication.
Addressing cultural problems freed the company to focus on bigger - picture priorities and helped develop its current gratitude - based, positive work environment.
According to Page Six, a family source said Jackson became aware of cultural problems between them after Eissa was born and her husband, a Muslim billionaire, became more controlling, demanding that she tone down the overt sexuality of her performances and music videos, and cover more of her body, among other things.
that no theological faculty is complete until it includes some [scholars] who share the Christian outlook and faith and who are competent to explore scientific and cultural problems with the same rigor with which secular experts in those fields are trained.
He claimed that the solution of cultural problems and contradictions, the necessity of obtaining the organic unity of humanity's world, urgently demanded the restoration of the lost harmony between the highest values of Truth, Goodness, and Beauty.
Benchmark Capital is saying they would never have approved the board expansion had it been aware of the controversy surrounding Kalanick and Uber's cultural problems, accusing the former CEO of mismanagement and packing the board with supporters.
But according to some experts, these findings, along with other studies highlighted in Ryan's presentation, signal a cultural problem.
It's difficult for me to imagine how, after all of this, something like that could be casually said aloud... on stage... at a company all - hands meeting... about the company's cultural problems.
The FT presents the lack of investment capital as a cultural problem, but I think that's only part of the story.
«The short version of it all is that we have a cultural problem, one that is shaped by disconnects in values, relationships, and social fabric.
Do you worry at all that lopping off the heads of the Wells Fargo hydra is an insufficient solution to its deeper structural and cultural problems that allow banks to get away with predatory behavior?
Warren told Dudley at the hearing that he needs to fix a «cultural problem» or «we need to get someone who will.»
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