Sentences with phrase «cultural reading of the text»

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There are some cultural things going on here with the act of baptism, and the fact that family members and servants usually followed the religion of the head of their household, but again, the most straightforward way of reading these texts is that more than one person believed, and those that did believe were baptized.
Finally, canonical criticism, which often describes itself as a theological mode of interpretation, may also be considered as a form of cultural hermeneutics, since it also puts into the foreground the community context within which the text was created and from which it is to be read.
«25 This archaeology is aided by two approaches: a sociology - of - knowledge analysis of the cultural role of biblical criticism and a psychoanalytically informed critique of the way we read the text.
A refusal to make use of these tools to ascertain the proper text reading, its relation to other literature, and the cultural - historical milieu out of which it arose, is a move toward dishonesty prompted either by a fear of what might be discovered or by an impatience to get a sermon that can not tarry at books that are not heavy with homiletical fruit.
Of course, I am not a theologian or well read or educated in the Bible with all the pertinent historical, cultural, or grammatical facts required to understand and interpret the text in my intellectual grasp, so I may have misunderstood your meaning, missed a point, or maybe we're saying the same thing but each from a different perspective, like is said those who misread Paul's Roman epistle and James» epistle.
mistrusting generalizations and theoretical constructions, exploring particular situations revealed by close reading of specific texts in the light of all I could learn about social and cultural contexts.»
Over the past twenty years or so, I have read, written, and taught a lot about the cultural and historical backgrounds of various Biblical texts.
The text identifies a set of core social skills and cultural competencies that young people should acquire in order to read and impact our emerging participatory culture:
How to assess close reading and help all students — regardless of linguistic, cultural, or academic background — connect deeply with what they read and derive meaning from a complex text.
If you wish, you may extend the significance of the reading - comment on cultural or moral or technical significances of the topic and techniques of the text.
The texts do not offer meaning primarily through being read, yet the viewer can not escape being influenced by the cultural weight of their origins.
The unifying text of TEARS reads, «concerned women for america rim glue pour cultural confinement rundowns poolside.»
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